Kopel Video

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Kopel Emmy awardsThe "time machine" episodes of Colorado Inside-Out has won five Emmy Awards for best documentary from the Heartland Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. The time machine episodes were selected as finalists nine years in a row. The award-winning episodes were about the years 1858, 1935, 1940, 1959, and 1973. The 1935 episode also won an Emmy for best sound, using authentic microphones of the era. Other episodes include 1912, 1917, 1923, 1927, 1951, 1964, 1968, and 2025 (brief).





Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 28, 2025. Colo. Dept. of Transportation produces bogus numbers about Denver International Airport economic impact. Colorado state government found to be paying Medicaid for dead people, after failing three previous anti-fraud audits. Nuclear energy is safer and better for the environment than wind or solar. Small Business Administration to move out of Denver. Best things: Colorado School of Mines mens BB wins their conference. New Leonardo da Vinci museum in Pueblo.

90 Executive Orders in 30 Days: Trump's Turbulent First Month in Presidency. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Russian language station. 22.02.2025. In Russian.

What Will What Will Trump's Executive Order on Guns Deliver? The Reload videocast. Feb. 13, 2025. 53 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 16, 2025. Denver crime soars as police per capita falls, and Mayor wastes money on DEI staff. Veto of expansion of drug use centers. Backlog of on testing of rape kits. Legislative Republicans make attempt at start at rolling back illegal tax increases. State's transition to all-wind and solar doomed to fail. Worst thing: legislature moves to subsdize Sundance Film Festival, but won't compensate ranchers from losses due to wolf predation. Best thing: Professional Women's Hockey League sets attendance record in Denver game.


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 12, 2024. Democrats make Colorado's economy one of the worst. Legal case against Uinta Basin Railway expansion is weak. Denver proposal to eliminate parking minimums for new construction harms neighborhoods. Program to introduct nonnative gray wolves gets even worse. Worst thing: State Sen. Jacquez-Lewis caught abusing aides again. Best thing: Milei produces a budget surplus in Argentina for a first time in over a century.

What we do: The Second Amendment Project at the Independence Institute. Kopel describes how much the Second Amendment Project has accomplished in the last third of a century. Independence Institute. Dec. 4, 2024. 89 seconds.

The History of Machine Guns. Oct. 18, 2024. University of Wyoming Firearms Research Center. 31 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 16, 2024. Presidential campaign, fake Google ads by Harris. Denver government a million dollars for each vagrant taken off the streets. Abortion ballot measure would authorize taxpayer funding for abortion, and eliminate parental notification requirement for minors. Elizabeth school district book policy explained. Worst: Another longtime Capitol Hill restaurant closes due to attacks from vagrants. Best: Longmont's Valarie Allman wins Olympic gold in discus.

The First Installment of Our Legal Scholar Series: Dave Kopel. NRA. July 15, 2024. Interview re Kopel article How the British Gun Control Program Precipitated the American Revolution, 6 Charleston Law Review 283 (2012). 35 minutes.

2A Scholar David Kopel Reacts to Major Supreme Court Ruling. Kopel discusses Rahimi with Stephen Gutowski. The Reload. June 23, 2024. 46 minutes.

"End-to-End." American gun law and politics. RTVI. Russian language television for overseas Russians. June 11, 2024. Diana Lesnhicha.

Colorado Inside Out. May 31, 2024. Proper, full funding for police departments saves lives, especially black ones. Republican U.S. House suicide squad candidates could lose safe Republican seats if they win their primaries. State House primaries in both parties pit extremists versus rational candidates. Colorado Springs housing shortage caused by constriction of building permits. Disgrace: University of Colorado announces 6 scholarships in honor of the "Los Seis" terrorist bombers of the 1970s. Best thing: Patricia Calhoun is the longest-running television character in Denver history, exceeding even the great Blinky the Clown.

Devil's Advocate with Jon Caldara. April 12, 2024. Discussion of anti-gun bills in the Colorado legislature. One hour.

Colorado Inside Out. April 12, 2024. The Xcel blackouts are going to become more frequent, because Xcel is replacing reliable power, such as natural gas, with unreliable, intermittent sources, namely solar and windmills. Secretary of State Jena Griswold and Republican Party Chair Dave Williams are both grifters, the worst persons ever to hold either office. Bill to end voter control of RTD. Denver budget cuts are the consequence of Biden opening the border to illegal immigration. Disgrace: Bill to eliminate TABOR refunds and use the money for welfare. Best thing: Denver U. Pioneers hockey team is again playing for the national championship.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 16, 2024. Gov. Polis does nothing to stop overcollection of income taxes. Proposed ban on oil and gas drilling is anti-science. Denver slashing services for legal residents to pay for unlawful migrants. Bogus claims about "assault weapons." Disgrace: CU Law pays out for illegal retaliation against Prof. Paul Campos. Best: Denver City Council stands up to pro-Hamas mob's mini-insurrection.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 9, 2024. U.S. Supreme Court arguments look bad for Trump ballot ban. Fiasco in State House as Speaker won't allow Israeli hostage families on the floor, for fear of outbursts by the Democrats' Hamas caucus. Denver budget cuts due to Biden doubling number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. Disgrace: State Rep. Regina English was too lazy to read to her own pet tax bill. Best: CU women's basketball ranked #4 nationally.


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 22, 2023. Ballot case against Trump involves close calls on four issues. Introduction of non-native wolf species to Colorado intensifies the war on rural Colorado. Denver's "housing first" policy for vagrants has failed wherever it has been tried. Colorado legislators in 2024 need to take steps against the toxic legislators who are ruining things for everyone. Disgrace: racist Elisabeth Epps condemns support for investigation of bomb threat against Boulder Jewish Community Center. Best thing: Colorado School of Mines football team completes another great season.

Gun Scholar David Kopel Explains SCOTUS Oral Arguments in Second Amendment Case. The Reload. Nov. 12, 2023.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 3, 2023. Judge Sarah Wallace in Colo. Trump insurrection case has prejudged the case and lied about her campaign contributions. Election preview: incompetent Denver School Board incumbents; Aurora mayoral candidate Juan Marcano quits Democratic Socialists of America because of their support for Hamas. At CU, anti-Israel students demonstrate with posters celebrating the mass shooting at a music festival for peace; CU professors, including its Department of Ethnic Cleansing, foster hatred. As Vancouver shows, injection centers are cruel and create misery. Best thing: Jews always defeat the exterminators--Hitler last century, Amalek three millennia ago, Hamas and its allies today. Westword article on the great John Denver honors his sincerity.

Masterful Takedown of Gun Controllers' Ridiculous Arguments. Law of Self Defense, by Andrew Branca. Oct. 19, 2023. Host Andrew Branca reads Kopel's amicus brief in United States v. Rahimi. 52 minutes.

Second Amendment Scholar David Kopel on the Supreme Court's Latest Gun Case. Kopel explains Rahimi amicus brief of Independence Institute, Second Amendment Law Center, and Professors of Second Amendment Law. The Reload. Oct. 15, 2023. 44 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 8, 2023. Lawsuit to keep Trump of ballot is legally plausible. State government hosting meetings on psychedelic healing centers. Excessive state and local regulations are extreme burden on businesses. Hype over CU football. Disgrace: You taxpayer dollars subsidize pro-Hitler dictator Mahmoud Abbas. Best thing: Post-debate: Nikki Haley up, fraudsters Trump & Ramaswamey down.

Colorado Inside Out. July 7, 2023. In 303 Creative, U.S. Sup. Ct. rules that people cannot be forced to say things they don't believe. In Students for Fair Admissions, U.S. Sup. Ct. rules against Harvard's anti-Asian racism. Obeying the text of the Colo. Constitution, Colo. Sup. Ct. rules that accused murders cannot be denied bail. Kudos to new Colo. law protecting free speech rights of government employees during personal time. Worst thing: Federal government censorship of truthful speech on social media has been enjoined by U.S. District Court for Louisiana. Best thing: The first-ever sliced bread was sold on July 7, 1982.

Colorado Inside Out. June 22, 2023. Taxpayer's Bill of Rights tax refunds are up, but Proposition HH would end them forever and end limits on property tax increases. Trump accidentally admits guilt to obstruction of justice charges. Colo. Sup. Ct. obeys Colo. Constitution, rules against retroactive change in statute of limitations. Juneteenth underscores the importance of the right to arms. Worst thing: Addled Biden touts railroad through the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Best: Most U.S. Supreme Court cases don't break on supposed ideological lines.

Colorado Inside Out. May 26, 2023. Lower Settlement in case of mentally ill man who called for police help. Colorado River lower basin states temporarily cut water use; states, not the federal government, need more reforms. Colorado Republicans fix accounting and reporting problems. Polis tax increase ballot measure flagrantly violate single-subject rule. Disgrace: Channel 7 falsely calls Polis tax increase a tax cut. Something nice: The original1967 Denver Rockets professional basketball franchise.

Gun Bills Inching Us Closer to Confiscation. Devil's Advocate with Jon Caldara. May 12, 2023. 51 minutes. Kopel and Caldara discuss the Colorado Democratic legislature's malicious and ignorant culture war against the right to arms and public safety. 51 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. May 12, 2023. End-of-session chaos was caused by Democrat leaders' irresponsible decision to allow over half the session's bills to be late bills. Polis's property tax bill is the sleaziest thing he has ever done, and will eradicate income tax refunds. Colorado should trade refugees from communist Venezuela for America-hating anti-capitalists, like the Colorado Education Association convention that officially condemned capitalism. Colorado Springs mayoral candidate Wayne Williams is a solid manager; Denver city council district 9 Candi CdeBaca is a racist and therefore unfit for public office. Disgrace: Colo. AG Weiser joins amicus brief supporting California's 10-year-old ban on all new pistol models. Something nice: With only 9% of voters saying that incompetent showman Tay Anderson deserves to be re-elected to the Denver School Board, Kwame Spearman announces that he will challenge Anderson.

The Fate of 'Assault Weapons' Bans According to Gun-Rights Scholar David Kopel. The Reload. April 27, 2023. 57 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. April 21, 2023. Good win for Dominion in lawsuit against Fox. Why the legislature rejected a ban on so-called "assault weapons." Late bill on Xcel energy rates could be harmful. Both candidates for Denver Mayor are reasonable people. Worst thing: New law makes Colorado the only state to ban abortion reversal pills. Best thing: 9th Circuit rules that local ban on new natural gas hookups is preempted by federal law.

Will Increasing Gun Control Improve Public Safety? Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University. Apr. 3, 2023. Topics include: Biblical issues (Exodus 22, Luke 22, Romans 13), historic (and uncorrelated) trends of increasing gun ownership vs. rises and falls in homicide rates, and historic data on mass murder by government of disarmed victims. 90 minutes. Introduction starts at 9:45.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 10, 2023. Gun ban bills in legislature. Race for chair of Colo. Republican Party. Denver mayoral race. Environmental extremists want to ban rail shipment of oil from Utah. Best thing: honoring the late J.D. MacFarlane, Colorado's most important Attorney General. Worst: Southern Poverty Law Center used to be anti-terrorist, now it aids an Antifa terrorist attack.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 27, 2023. Energy prices rise because of subsidies to the inefficient corporate welfare kings of the wind lobby. Impending legislative ban on common firearms is plainly unconstitutional, but the anti-civil rights majority in the state legislature doesn't care. Denver should save the Park Hill Golf Course for parkland, not development. State legislative plans for rent control will reduce supply and, in the long run, raise prices for renters. Worst thing: Colo. AG Phil Weiser files extremist amicus brief against houses of worship being able to protect themselves with armed guards. Best thing: Colorado skier Mikaela Shiffrin closes in on both-sexes record for World Cup wins.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 6, 2023. New anti-gun bills are unconstitutional, but Colo. legislature Dems don't care. Polis buses immigrants to other cities. Dems in Colo. legislature will try to destroy the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. Republican fight over U.S. House Speaker might lead to reforms of legislative process; disgraceful House Dems vote for serial election denier Hakeem Jeffries. Worst thing: Antiscience fundamentalists ban plastic bags. Best thing: The world's two most famous teenagers, both born Jan. 3, 2023, turn 20; are wedding bells in their future?


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 30, 2022. Predictions: Denver mayoral race. The regressive legislature will work to destroy diversity and choice on education. Legislature will continue to skyrocket spending without taxpayer consent. Unlike Democrats, Republicans fail to fund long-term infrastructure for winning elections. Worst prediction: Biden's incompetence creates probability that China will invade Taiwan. Best prediction: Deion Sanders will lead CU football to a bowl game in 2024, and then leave for a more lucrative job elsewhere.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 23, 2022. Year in review: Elections. Colorado River mismanagement and overgrowth of forests. Douglas County schools mostly functional while Denver School Board is not. Key cause of inflation is Biden/Trump/Federal Reserve creation of funny money. Worst thing: Rise of antisemitism, and denial of Israel's right to exist. Best thing: Retired Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen saved Denver from the criminal rioters and arsonists in the summer of 2022.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 16, 2022. Busloads of immigrants choose the sanctuary city and state of Denver, Colorado. Introduction of non-native wolf species in Colorado devastates ranchers. New family leave tax on employees will reduce employment and quickly become insolvent. Disgrace: Malicious politicians attacked Colo. Springs Sheriff and District Attorney over Club Q murders, without knowing the facts. Something nice: Colorado School of Mines football team to play for Division II national championship.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 11, 2022. Trump effect drags Colorado Republicans. If Boebert wants to keep her seat long term, she needs to stop acting like rightwing version of the stupidly angry AOC "squad." In full control of Colorado, regressive Democrats will aim to eliminate choice in everything except abortion, and to make Colorado like dystopian San Francisco. Approved by voters every county of Boulder, the Independence Institute's initiative lowers the Colorado income tax. Low: Last week I misstated the eastern boundary of the proposed Boulder library district. High: Georgia's record-setting voter turn out was 57%, compared to Colorado's 51%--showing the idiocy of Major League Baseball owners who moved the All Star Game from Atlanta to Denver because the Georgia election reform laws supposedly suppressed voters.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 4, 2022. Passing of Colorado House Minority Leader Hugh McKean. U.S. Senate race narrows. El Paso County Republican Chair Vickie Tonkins continues to sabotage the party. Secretary of State Jena Griswold is incompetent at her job, but is a dark money fundraising powerhouse. Boulder Library District vote. Low: Stacy Abrams pre-denies the 2022 election; Hillary Clinton pre-denies 2024. High: Colorado's many excellent County Clerks.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 28, 2022. Governor election: "Teflon" Jared Polis and Heidi Ganahl are like Ronald Reagan and Pat Schroeder. Government caused the affordable housing problem; more taxes won't fix it. Ballot issues on alcohol sales. Denounce the election deniers in both parties. Low: Denver Public Schools enrollment plummets as union-run school board fails to address learning disaster for minority students. High: Both of Colorado's U.S. Senate candidates are superior to the terrible four in Pennsylvania and Georgia.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 21, 2022. Senate race. U.S. House races in CDs 3, 7, 8. Threats to elections; incompetent Secretary of State Jena Griswold. Low: Biden says Bennet is only an environmentalist becaue he is afraid his wife will withold sex. High: Both candidates for governor favor eliminating state income tax.

Gun Rights Policy Conference, Oct. 1, 2022. Interview by Firearms Policy Coalition. 21 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 23, 2022. Full episode. Issues on the 2022 ballot. Governor Polis's sleazy tax refund letter cleared of charges of campaign finance violations. Independent expenditures in Colorado races. Judge refuses to overturn jury verdict against Denver police. Disgrace/something nice: Governor's office attacks Independence Institute. Marianne Goodland wins Colo. Press Association awards.

Cato Institute. 21st Annual Constitution Day. The Supreme Court: Past and Prologue A Look at the 2021 and 2022 Term. Panel III, Guns, Drugs, and Abortion. Sept. 16, 2022. Kopel starts at 4:30:04. Kopel only, for C-Span Bell Ringers (program to teach social studies). Clip 1 (Introduction), Clip 2 (The 2nd Amendment Before the Case), Clip 3 (The Case), Clip 4 (Permissible Controls and the Opinion).

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 9, 2022. Full episode. Ortega is frontrunner in Denver Mayor's race, but Herod and Brough are formidable. Secretary of State Griswold is most vulnerable statewide incumbent in 2022. While quarterback Russell Wilson is a great community contributor, NFL funding for "defund the police" made me stop watching. Xcel electricity cut-offs during heat wave are a harbinger of blackouts from Xcel's abandonment of maintenance and "public service." Disgrace/something nice: RTD hides ridership data during free ride August. Queen Elizabeth II: Duty, honor, country.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 2, 2022. Full episode. Paul Pazen steps down as Denver Police Chief. U.S. Senate race gets closer. Denver government's publicity campaign for downtown ignores crime problem. Best things: The wonderful career of U.S. Rep. Pat Schroeder. The wonderful career of my late mother Dolores Kopel.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 12, 2022. Report on Denver Airport construction fiasco. Minimum wages increases, but Bidenflation cuts pay. Liz Cheney earns national support for standing up to election liars. Democrats losing ground with Hispanics because of condescending political correctness. Disgrace/Something nice: Crested Buttes bans natural gas in new homes. Colorado's Taxpayer's Bill of Rights brings tax refunds to everyone.

Colorado Inside Out. July 29, 2022. U.S. House Freedom Caucus reform proposals: some bad, some good. Aurora judge refuses to dismiss indictment against Aurora employees involved in Elijah McClain's death. Congress has no power over state abortion laws, one way or other. Colorado irresponsibly fails to rebuild its unemployment insurance fund. Disgrace/something nice: Big 10 Conference annexes UCLA and USC. Colorado Day statehood, August 1.

Colorado Inside Out. July 22, 2022. Denver Police shoot dangerous criminal, but hit several bystanders. New GOP Lt. Gov. candidate has bad judgment about 2020 election. Mayor Hancock's State of the City. Denver City Council budget priorities. Disgrace: British in hysterics about 40 degree temperatures, but in Denver it's 90 degrees. Something nice: Denver's new social equity preferences of cannabis licensing are fair.

Superior's gun law to ban assault weapons temporarily blocked by federal judge. Denver 7, ABC. July 25, 2022. Meghan Lopez.

Colorado Inside Out. July 1, 2022. Republicans primaries reject election deniers. Anti-Semite wins Democratic primary in my father's old State House seat. Denver City Council elects new head. Disgrace: Doug Lamborn's sleazy TV ad against Dave Williams. Something nice: State Sen. John Cooke finishes his outstanding career of public service.

How does Supreme Court's decision on NY gun law affect Colorado? CBS News Colorado, Channel 4. June 23, 2022. Rick Sallinger.

Dave Kopel on Guns and Tyranny. Self in Society, with Ari Armstrong. June 15, 2022. 65 mins.

The Truth About Defensive Firearm Use with David Kopel. America's 1st Freedom. Video interview with Frank Miniter. June 4, 2022. 17:42.

Colorado Inside Out. June 3, 2022. Some no-hope U.S. House candidates don't live in their district. Denver City Council budget plan treats criminals like victims. Failure of new state guardianship program for people who can't care for themselves. Disgrace/something nice: Colorado group hosts fundraiser for election denier Stacy Abrams. Queen Elizabeth II platinum jubilee honors her dedication to duty, honor, country.

ConcealedCarry dot com. June 1, 2022. Season 6 episode 12. How Often Do Armed Citizens Defend Themselves? And lots of other arms policy discussion. 74 minutes.

The Larry Elder Show on Epoch TV. June 1, 2022. Biden's 2nd Amendment Lie. Starts at 13:00.

Independence Institute TV. May 25, 2022. About 7% of Colorado's Constitution is being ignored by Colorado courts. Dave discusses his new book Colorado Constitutional Law and History (Vandeplas Publishing, 2d ed. 2022).

Gun Talk Radio. May 16, 2022. How Often Do Armed Citizens Defend Themselves? With Tom Gresham.

Colorado Inside Out. May 6, 2022. With special guest Peter Boyles! Abortion law in Colorado mostly in line with the voters, but not entirely. Denver City Council's mean-spirited ordinance against law-abiding licensed handgun carry. Norm Early passes away. Disgrace/something nice: Barack Obama, winner of Politifact's "Lie of the Year" calls for government control of what he deems misinformation. Dominic Dezutti's stellar career in public broadcasting.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 29, 2022. Tribute to the great Dennis Gallagher. Jared Polis give tax refunds several months early; Heidi Ganahl defeated his 2019 plan to eliminate refunds. Fentanyl bill should not punish people without mens rea. Colorado's failure to prepare for droughts. Disgrace/something nice: Biden's new disinformation czar spreads disinformation. Colorado astronauts on International Space Station.

Independence Institute TV. Apr. 22, 2022. Asking Colorado's Supreme Court to Be Reasonable. Dave discusses his Colorado Supreme Court amicus brief on the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. According to the Colorado Constitution, TABOR's "preferred interpretation shall reasonably restrain most the growth of government." Yet the Court has adopted an opposite rule. According to the brief, "The Reasonably Restrain Clause is the supreme law of Colorado and it governs the Supreme Court of Colorado. Judicial statements that purport to replace the Reasonably Restrain Clause with a contrary rule are acts of power and not of law."

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 22, 2022. Election security bill removes provision to give Secretary of State Griswold the power to censor county clerks. US District rejects TRO motion by groups complaining about events in 2021. When shoveling more taxpayer money at homelessness, legislature should require studies on programs' effectiveness. Disgrace/something nice: Polis's ridiculous claim that Colorado government never engages in "socialist" meddling in business affairs. Florida judges rightly says that Congress, not Fauci, has the power to impose mask mandates.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 15, 2022. Full episode: Both Republican and Democratic state assemblies were full of fools who believe phony claims about stolen elections. The War on Drugs has been a miserable failure for over a century. New CU President Todd Saliman is very competent. Disgrace/something nice: El Paso Republican chair Vickie Tonkins continues to cheat for her favored intraparty candidates. The path-breaking career of my mother, Dolores Kopel.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 8, 2022. Aurora police chief fired for managerial incompetence. Mike Lindell's gift to Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters' legal defense fund appears to comply with Colorado rules on gifts to government employees. How Dems running in CDs 7 and 8 cleared the primary field. Disgrace/something nice: Denver Public Schools is failing at teaching reading. Dominic Dezutti's 26th anniversary on CIO.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 1, 2022. Jury awards $14 million to peaceful protesters injured in the summer of 2020; ultimate blame lies with the rioters and criminals who attacked the police and created an atmosphere of violence. RTD's proposed new free fare program needs to avoid the problems of its similar 1979 program, which ended because of free-fare criminals who endangered passengers and drivers. Kudos to Denver City Council for successful redistricting. Tribute to retiring Denver radio star Peter Boyles. Disgrace/something nice: Bill in legislature would stop school districts from raking off special education money that charter schools could use. Crazy cancellations of historic Russian music.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 25, 2022. Full episode. Colo. legislature's three regressive bills: rent control for mobile homes, universal government-run preschool (which leads to worse results than no preschool at all), pro-abortion bill legalizes third-party crimes against fetuses. The "public health" approach to fentanyl laws endangers the public who don't use fentanyl. Aurora camping ban is reasonable, since encampments will only occur when there is available shelter space. Union Station safety plans make travel harder for decent people, due to criminals and vagrants. Disgrace/something nice: Denver City Council gives Pepsi a million dollars of corporate welfare. Longtime Denver radio host Peter Boyles retires.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 18, 2022. Full episode. Legislature should eliminate food taxes. Legislative referenda to make daylight savings or standard time-year round. Denver City Auditor's wobbly legal argument over subpoena powers. Two final maps for Denver City Council redistricting. Disgrace/something nice: Fort Lewis College's unconstitutional ban on "hate speech"; Boardhawk's good report on Denver Public School Board's illegal war on innovation schools.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 4, 2022. Full episode. Primary races for Dems. in CD 8 and Repubs. in U.S. Senate. Republicans sue against state law forcing open primary. Douglas County School Board announces finalists for Superintendent. Xcel's latest scam to revictimize the victims of Marshall fire. Disgrace/something nice: Foolish anti-energy activists in the U.S. and Europe are responsible for the environmental catastrophe of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Advance Colorado's good case against Colo. political contribution laws that favor the ultra-rich.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 25, 2022. Full episode. Legislature rethinks prior law reducing fentanyl possession penalties. U.S. Supreme Court grants cert. on Colorado statute forcing artists to create speech they don't want to. Denver City Council restructures Board of Adjustment for Zoning Appeals. Proposed water sale from San Luis Valley to Douglas County. Disgrace/something nice: Bennet and Boebert offer good ideas in response to Russian invasion of Ukraine. CSU men's basketball on the way to the national tournament.

Law profs urge SCOTUS to overturn "assault weapons" ban. BearingArms.com, video interview of Kopel by Cam Edwards. Feb. 24, 2022.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 4, 2022. Full episode. Douglas County teachers' union cancels school to protest new policy against promoting racial discrimination. Local governments end CCP virus mandates. Criminals run wild in Denver, while city's probation department can't keep up. Disgrace/something nice: Peking's genocide Olympics are even worse than Nazi Germany in 1936. Colorado State University offers 18 phone numbers for people who "have been affected by a free speech event on campus."

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 28, 2022. Full episode. Unions are great for free market employees, but not for government employees with monopolies. Secretary of State Griswold investigates Elbert County Clerk and Recorder. Ethics charges against Rep. Doug Lamborn are bogus. Colorado Constitution gives the governor the power to pardon convicts at any time. Disgrace: Denver School Board plans to destroy Innovation Schools. Something nice: People of the Ukraine resisting totalitarian imperialism.


What Do the Bible and Christian Tradition Say About Self Defence, Gun Rights, and Liberty? More Christ. 91 minutes. Discussion of Kopel's book The Morality of Self-Defense and Military Action: The Judeo-Christian Tradition. (Praeger, 2017).

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 24, 2021. Full episode. Year in review. Word of the year is "decay." CCP virus pandemic, year two. Redistricting succeeds, for a change, in creating fair districts. Americans loves cars and guns, and almost all owners act responsibly, while irresponsible government officials give violent criminals impunity. Disgrace of the year: Trump's delusional election hoax shows his disloyalty to the United States and the Republican Party. Best thing of the year: Despite partisan pressure for group-think, Liz Cheney, Brian Kemp, Bari Weiss, and Glenn Greenwald speak their minds.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 17, 2021. Full episode. Proposal to expand spending on construction at Denver International Airport. New report from Common Sense Institute describes Colorado's soaring crime rate. Denver Mayor Hancock's good veto of ban on flavored eggplant vape fluid. Governor Polis was right to say we can't live in a perpetual CoVid-19 emergency. Disgrace: Denver Public Schools doubles down on racial violating Colorado Constitution with school play nights based on skin color. Something nice: Netherlands to build two nuclear power plants, to support energy independence and fight global warming.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 10, 2021. Full episode. Douglas County Schools wisely abandon mask mandate. Secretary of State's campaign finance case against Unite for Colorado. Foolish rules limit availability of substitute teachers. Disgrace: Failed attempt to cancel Krista Kafer. Something nice: Kamala Harris was our first female Acting President.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 3, 2021. Full episode. Colo. legislators plan to introduce abortion rights bill. Legislature considers paying it legal obligation for public employees retirement. New camping zone for vagrants established. Union Station in decay, over-run by drug abusers and the deranged. Disgrace: Biden's fantasy version of his past. Kamala Harris was first female Acting President.

Nonprofit turns guns into garden tools. Denver 7/Scripps. Dec. 1, 2021.

Aurora plans gun buyback program as youth violence rises, but data shows buybacks are ineffective. Denver 7. Dec. 2, 2021.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 19, 2021. Full episode. A new statewide mask mandate is a bad idea. Aurora $15M settlement with parents of Elijah McClain is appropriate in light to the lengthy and egregious police misconduct. School resources officers protect safety. Disgrace: People who believe the OAN/Newsmax hoax about the 2020 election, and people who believe the MSNBC/CNN smears of Kyle Rittenhouse. Something nice: United Kingdom bans Hamas, a terrorist organization.

Congressional Second Amendment Caucus of the U.S. House Freedom Caucus. Hearing on Second Amendment issues. Nov. 16, 2021. 63 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 12, 2021. Full episode. Governor Polis's vaccine mandate caused so many health care workers to quite that Colorado has lost 300 acute care hospital beds, and 40 ICU beds. Biden infrastructure bill treats all drivers like repeat offender drunk drivers. Standard public schools hit hard by loss of substitute teachers; public charter schools and independent schools doing better. Colorado red flag law in legal trouble because Colo. House Dems flagrantly violated the Colorado Constitution rules of legislative procedures when passing it. Disgrace: Communist tyrant Daniel Ortege keeps his jackboot on the face of the Nicaraguan people. Something nice: Thank you to Americans veterans for making this show, and freedom of speech itself, possible.

TTAG’s All-Star Supreme Court Argument After-Action Legal Analysis. The Truth About Guns. Nov. 3, 2021. Post-oral argument discussion of Supreme Court oral argument in NYSRPA v. Bruen. David Kopel, Eugene Volokh, Joseph Greenlee, Cody Wisniewski.

Dred Scott and the Second Amendment. Kopel's Law and Liberty News, on Independence Institute Television (IITV). The upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case on the right to bear arms involves some of the same fundamental rights that were at issue in 1856 in Dred Scott v. Sanford. Oct. 2021.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 29, 2021. Full episode. Voter turnout low so far. Denver airport head proposes alternatives for people to get to concourses B and C. New Denver program to provide mental health professionals rather than police to deal with certain situations. Vaccines aren't perfect, but they are better than masks. Disgrace: Appeasers notwithstanding, Taiwan has been separate from China for much more time than Ireland from England. Something nice: Voters are getting to decide on taxes, spending, and debt.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 22, 2021. Full episode. Lawsuit asks for mask mandate on Douglas County schoolchildren. The benefits of vaccines outweigh the risks for most people. Lawsuit aims at Denver initiative for camping trespass ban enforcement. Collapsing RTD told to provide express service on Boulder-Denver. Disgrace: De facto legalization for forcible shoplifting in S.F. and Boulder. Something nice: Unlike many sportsball players, Enes Kanter actually is woke, progressive, and anti-racist.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 15, 2021. Full episode. Reject scam ballot initiatives Colorado 119 (unaccountable board to spend money on preschools) and Denver 302 (would give the green space parkland in Park Hill Golf Course to a developer). Colorado district court correctly agrees Mesa County Commissioners (all Republicans) that Tina Peters cannot be the designated election officer for the 2021 election, but court's opinion is poorly written. Senator Michael Bennet continues to be a fundraising powerhouse. Court hearing on libel lawsuit by Dominion Voting employee victimized by Trump team falsehoods. Disgrace: Denver media ignore Denver police officer Jose Manriquez, who was wrongfully forced to receive a Covid-19 vaccine even though he has natural immunity--and is now partially paralyzed. Something nice: Good health and long life to Queen Elizabeth II and President Biden, since their successors are terrible.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 8, 2021. Full episode. Mandatory vaccines for persons who have natural immunity to CCP virus is unscientific. Persons aggrieved by Colo. Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission's decision not to perpetrate a racial gerrymander are unlikely to succeed in court. Some bigoted members of Denver City Council want to outlaw adult use of flavored tobacco (e.g., hookahs) or flavored eggplant (vaping). Disgrace: Bigoted member of Aurora City Council says that Republicans are more dangerous than Nazis, Stalinists, and Maoists. Something nice: Replacing Columbus Day with Mother Carbrini Day was a good idea.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 24, 2021. Full episode. Colo. Dept. of Public Health and the Environment hides the data on its report showing the mask mandates in schools reduce CCP virus infection by, at most, 1 in 2,000 students. Amendment 78 on November ballot would ensure that the legislature must control the appropriation of money received by executive branch slush funds. Mesa County Commissioners step into fight between Mesa County Clerk and the Secretary of State. Independent Ethics Commission correctly rules that Secretary of State Griswold cannot have a security team paid for by a PAC she runs. Disgrace/something nice: The caste system of the unmasked rich and their masked servants. Natasha Gardner will be a great managing editor for Colorado History.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 17, 2021. Full episode. Colorado Republicans and Democrats have both withdrawn from the reality-based community. New state redistricting map locks on Democratic majority in state legislature. Tay Anderson is a racist grifter, but not guilty of sexual assault. People of Aurora should be able to elect their police chief. Disgrace/something nice: Taliban cabinet includes four terrorists whom Obama/Biden released. Taiwan is a nation with a legitimate democratic government; China is under the thumb of an illegitimate bandit and biowarfare regime.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 10, 2021. Full episode. New congressional redistricting map puts NW Colorado under the thumb of Boulderites who want to destroy the region's economy. Douglas County Commissioners vote to withdraw from the duplicitous and unscientific Tri-County Health Department. Closure of Civic Center Park is just a first step in addressing the takeover of Denver streets by people experiencing meth. Joe Biden’s visit to Denver. Disgrace/something nice: Taliban celebrate victory that leaves them stronger than ever to attack civilization. The Intercept newspaper shows that CDC money was given to Wuhan Virology Lab to make coronavirus more transmissible.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 27, 2021. Full episode. Decisions about forced masking at schools should be made by persons who are accountable to families and voters, not by unelected bureaucrats. Initiative 27 on the November ballot will slightly reduce the recent and impending huge increases in property taxes. Should the big new government housing project on Colfax Ave. be named "All Nude Famous Chef"? Disgrace/something nice: In real life, Governor Andrew Cuomo killed many thousands by exposing them to CCP virus then lying about it; on TV, he played a wise and honest leader, so he rightfully earned his Emmy award as a television actor. Great athletes currently competing at the Tokyo Paralympics.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 20, 2021. Full episode. Secretary of State Griswold vs. Mesa County Clerk. Jason Crow cares about Afghanis left behind; feckless and reckless Biden does not. School masks mandates for small children harms their mental health and learning. Gov. Polis makes pointless virtue signal by rescinding expired proclamations from the 1864-65 Colorado. War. Disgrace/something nice: Elected Afghan VP leads resistance from Panjshir Valley. Colorado Springs school district bans racist indoctrination in classrooms.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 13, 2021. Full episode. Mesa County problems on voting security. Denver pays $1.1 million dollars in back pay to police officers who were illegally fired. Proposal to eliminate at-large seats on Denver City Council. Disgrace/something nice: Systemically racist Colorado Rockies team has meltdown over fan yelling for the stupid mascot "Dinger." University of Colorado climatologist Roger Pielke testifies against regressives' bills to use global warming as a pretext for their leftist agendas.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 6, 2021. Full episode. More foolish responses to the Chinese Communist Party virus. Denver Mayor Michael Hancock proposes $450 million bond, including corporate welfare for the stock show, which violated the the terms of its previous welfare. I-70 mudslide shows importance of developing alternative roads. Denver's continuing failure on "people experiencing homelessness" ignores the real causes, namely mental illness and drug abuse. Disgrace/something nice: Ceremony in downtown will remember anti-Chinese riot of 1880 that was quelled by a posse of 500 armed citizens. Honoring the great Dick Lamm, an inspiring free thinker.

Colorado Inside Out. July 9, 2021. Full episode. Rep. Boebert wrongfully criticizes vaccines; Rep. Buck rightfully criticizes Google search engine political bias; Rep. Lamborn rightfully criticizes racism at Air Force Academy. Chief Justice Boatright announces new conduct rules for judicial branch employees. Developer introduces deceptive initiative about public park at Park Hill Golf Course. Disgrace/something nice: Plastic bag ban hurts the environment. End of Colorado state of emergency is time to rethink monarchical powers given to the Governor.

Colorado Inside Out. June 25, 2021. Full episode. New congressional redistricting map. Hero stops mass shooters in Arvada. Governor Polis breaks his campaign promise and signs tax increase bills. One party rule is taking Colorado down California's road to ruin. Disgrace/something nice: Biden threatens to nuke the American people. The great principles of the Declaration of Independence are opposed only by regressives who don't want equality or inherent rights.

Colorado Inside Out. June 18, 2021. Full episode. Mayor Hancock’s nominee for DIA under investigation for scams in Los Angeles. Colorado courts uphold huge taxes on hospital patients without consent. Arvada nixes Amazon warehouse and Denver City Council . Disgrace/something nice: Governor's office keeps promoting growth by giving bribes to businesses that will only move to Colorado if bribed. Western Conservative Summit hosts brave journalist Andy Ngo.

Colorado Inside Out. June 11, 2021. Full episode. Unconstitutionally extended Colorado legislative session coming to a close. House GOP Minority Leader Hugh McKean fends off bogus attack from Rocky Mountain Gun Owners scam group. Legislators attempt to stop initiative to mitigate sharp rise in property taxes. Time to end all restrictions on restaurants. Disgrace/something nice: Dishonest Boulder Daily Camera editor Adam Dunivan smears a high school coach. CIO table back to full strength.

Colorado Inside Out. June 4, 2021. Full episode. Illegitimate extended session of Colorado legislature continues its usurpations of power. Colorado Supreme Court rejects legislative interference in redistricting. Denver School Board grifter and racist demagogue Tay Anderson continues his antics. Court says that Aurora City Council can't prevent Mayor Coffman from speaking out elections. Disgrace/something nice: Denver sheriff's department massively delays concealed carry permit renewals. Unraveling of cover-up of Chinese Communist Party role in spread of coronavirus from its Wuhan lab.

Independence Institute Television. May 31, 2021. Colorado's regressive new anti-gun laws. 45 minute interview by Jon Caldara.

Colorado Inside Out. Live fundraising special. May 26, 2021. Five panelists discuss the state bureaucracy's campaign against commuters, historical political trivia, and more.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 30, 2021. Full episode. Colorado gets a new congressional district. Denver Mayor Michael Hancock announces vague plan to borrow $400 million bond for unspecified purposes. Colorado schools prepare for in-person learning. Governor Jared Polis will veto bill to grant Air Quality Control Commission broad dictatorial power. Disgrace/something nice: Racists attack Sen. Tim Scott. State legislature relegalizes direct meat sale by ranches.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 23, 2021. Full episode. Badly written new bill on police deadly force. Governor signs flawed anti-gun bills. Denver City Council plan to pillage more money from rental property owners. House Speaker Garnett appoints Republican as Vice-Chair of agriculture committee. Disgrace/something nice: Montrose County stands up to forced importation of non-native wolf species. Former VP Walter Mondale was a true liberal.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 16, 2021. Full episode. Colorado ends lockdown; some counties follow suit. Colorado unemployment fraud shows state government should not try to take over health care. Legislative Dems want to give tens of millions to notorious political slush fund in Governor's Office. Bill in legislature would end legal distinctions between lawful and unlawful aliens. Disgrace/something nice: Legislators introduce bill to end abusive lockdown isolation of seniors in care facilities. Zaidy's Deli to re-open.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 9, 2021. Full episode. Major League Baseball loves Communist tyrants and slaveowners in China and Cuba, hates Republicans. Three Colo. Dept. of Public Health and Environment employees complain about air quality enforcement. Report on Denver District Attorney shows no plausible evidence of racism. Disgrace/something nice: Biden's ATF nominee David Chipman is longtime supporter of illegal violence by government. Prince Philip served his country honorably.

The History of Homemade Guns. Apr. 5, 2021. Kopel interviews Mark Tallman, author of Ghost Guns: Hobbyists, Hackers, and the Homemade Weapons Revolution. 3D printing technology is creating a new frontier in homemade weapons. How will these new guns and production methods change government policy, the culture, and self defense in the future? Episode #002 of Kopel's Law and Liberty News, on Independence Institute TV (IITV). 88 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 2, 2021. Full episode. Colo. legislature to give lawyers to people in immigration court (good) and public housing to unlawful aliens ahead of citizens and legal immigrants (bad). Vaccinations race to keep ahead of CCP virus mutations. The late Chief Justice Mark Mullarkey's husband Tom Korson contributed to her success. Stimulus deficit spending takes the U.S. further down the road to fiscal collapse. Disgrace/something nice: Eric Sonderman's Colo. Rockies optimism. Good guy with concealed carry permit stops mass shooting at Tulsa mall.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 26, 2021. Full episode. Murders at Boulder King Soopers. Virus lockdown must take into account the health harms of lockdowns. More layer of bureaucracy and paper work from state government health care micromanagement will drive health costs up even more. End of legislative attempt to shield powerful public health care boards from public accountability. Disgrace/something nice: Sen. Kerry Donovan revises bill for censorship commission as just a bill to study creating a censorship commission. Officer Eric Talley exemplified the compassion and courage of many law enforcement officers.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 12, 2021. Full episode. Bipartisan stimulus plan in Colorado. Colo. House passes badly written gun storage bill to thwart home defense. Douglas and Custer Counties decided to stop enforcing extreme orders from Colo. Dept. of Health. Disgrace/something nice: Have supplies in your car if your drive during a blizzard. College and high school athletes who ignored the anti-sports hysteria.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 5, 2021. Full episode. Colorado’s COVID-19 vaccine priorities. Colo. Court of Appeals nixes open records case against University of Colorado's presidential search. Governor Polis issues prejudiced proclamation against meat. Disgrace/something: Sen. Kerry Donovan introduces bill to create state censorship commission. Xcel's $8 billion green rip-off of Colorado consumers will enrich the company's shareholders.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 26, 2021. Full episode. Independent investigation details numerous constitutional violations leading to the death of Elijah McClain. New Denver policy ends enforcement of trespass laws by the homeless. Colorado Capitol's monument to soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the Civil War should be restored. Amber Reynold is nominated for the board of governors of the unsustainable US Postal Service. Disgrace/something nice: Racist Tay Anderson calls a radio host a "Klansman." Purim: "They tried to kill us. They failed. Let's eat."

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 19, 2021. Full episode. "State of State" address by Gov. Jared Polis. Corruption in the Colorado judicial branch. Board dismisses complaint against Mayor Michael Hancock for improper conduct that did not violate city ethics code. Denver by man who lost an eye during summer protests. Disgrace/something nice: Bill to make county health boards into puppets of state bureaucracy. Group in Colorado Springs distributes clear masks, for people talking to persons who are hard of hearing.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 12, 2021. Full episode. Colorado legislators on impeachment. Phony "dials"; Mayor Hancock thinks "equity" is giving vaccine priority to young meth users. State legislature plans gas tax increase; Colo. Dept. of Transportation wastes lots of taxpayer money. Plastic bags are better for the environment and public health than cloth bags. Three Aurora Police officers firing for "humor" on Elijah McClain death was justified. Disgrace/something nice: CDC's stupid advice to wear hosiery on the face, rather than KN-95 masks. Denver Post's good coverage of scandal at Colo. Atty. Gen. office.

Fewer Guns, More Genocide. Feb. 7, 2021. Even if we assume that gun control may reduce firearm homicides by individual criminals, it facilitates murder by government. The problem was on full display in the 20th Century. The cumulative dangers of armed criminals are much smaller than the danger of armed criminal governments. Episode #001 of Kopel's Law and Liberty News.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 5, 2021. Full episode. More people eligible for vaccines, but FDA keeps supplies low. Denver City Council rams through plan to put halfway houses in more residential neighborhoods. Court ruling against sweeps of illegal homeless encampments goes too far. El Paso County Republican Chair pulls new shenanigans to stay in office. Disgrace/something nice. Rep. Ocasio Cortes Smollet makes nutty claims that Ted Cruz tried to murder her. Rep. DeGette introduces good bill to expand testing.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 29, 2021. Full episode. FDA should stop preventing people from getting at-home tests for CCP virus. Some Colorado Republicans left the party after Trump tried to steal the election. Billionaire Global Warming Czar John Kenny has no idea how the little people make a living. Rudy Giuliani's career of destroying people's lives to get on TV started when he was U.S. Attorney in the 1980s. Disgrace/something nice: CU-Colorado Springs "Diversity" and "Inclusion" Vice-Chancellor Stephanie Rose Spaulding films herself having a racist tantrum. Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper fight to keep the Bureau of Land Management in Grand Junction.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 22, 2021. Full episode. Biden's inaugural speech was good, but he then promptly started messing up the virus response. Colorado vaccinations are in a race against the mutant strains of the CCP virus. Ethics complaint against Mayor Michael Hancock has no legal basis, and Hancock has a pattern of bad judgment. Bri Buwntello's bizarre rage tweeting against Rep. Lauren Boebert. Disgrace/something nice: Biden executive order allows "race or sex stereotyping and scapegoating" against federal employees. Many good teachers are going back to classrooms to help students recover from nearly a year of lost learning.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 15, 2021. Full episode. Conspiracy theories about Rep. Boebert aiding the rioters are just as kooky as her theory that Trump really won the election. Democratic rulers of Colo. legislature impose Rule 44, to block Republicans from introducing bills. Key problem for vaccines is production. Trump plan to move Space Command is dangerous to national security. Disgrace/Something Nice: VP Pence and Rep. Cheney are patriotic profiles in courage. Trump wedding photo with Clintons covers 3/4 of all presidential impeachments.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 8, 2021. Full episode. Trump should be impeached; Boebert and Lamborn's votes against certifying electors continue the poisonous 2017 and 2005 traditions of Pelosi, Clyburn, and Hoyer. Peaceful pro-Trump protesters at the Colorado Capitol have been conned by Trump. Colorado's mediocre vaccine rollout is better than many other states. Disgrace/Something nice: D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser foolishly rejected federal law enforcement assistance the day before the riot. Celebrating the 90th birthday of Dave's mother, Dolores Kopel.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 1, 2021. Full episode. We can't protect ourselves from future viruses without acknowledging the Chinese Communist Party engages in biological warfare against the West. Longterm result of the pandemic and riots will be very bad for downtown offices and restaurants. New leave program will result in unlimited payroll tax increases. More failure ahead for Denver government's efforts on homelessness. Predictions. Xi Jinping's power grew because of Trump's incompetence and will grow more due to Biden's appeasement. Joey Bunch will enjoy his favorite meal: Lucky Charms and bourbon.


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 25, 2020. Full episode. Year in review. The Chinese Communist Party deliberately spread the global pandemic; PPE shortage was caused by the feckless incompetence of Trump, Obama, and Congress. "Defund the police" is a sham promoted by Marxists who want to create a police state run by their mobs. Imitating lying loser Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump makes bogus claims about a stolen election, but can't offer evidence in court. Denver International Airport's problems manifest the Denver city government's long-standing incompetence at airport management. Disgrace/something nice: Although Mao Zedong is long dead, Maoist genocide continues in the Chinese Empire, and Maoist thought control infests the United States. Firefighters are the brave and the bold.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 18, 2020. Full episode. Colo. Legislative Audit Committee examines voting integrity. UC Health workers form a union. Record number of students and families opt out of government schools that don't provide in-person learning. Lawsuit against Denver's removal of illegal homeless camps is legally weak. COVID-19’s impact on Colorado school districts and the lawsuit against the city of Denver from homeless people. Disgrace/Something Nice: Cancellation of winter and spring high school sports. Independence Institute's School Choice of Kids website now includes many resources for enrichment activities, for all ages and all education settings.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 11, 2020. Full episode. Colorado plans for distribute CCP Virus vaccines. Governor rescinds unconstitutional order that singled out churches for special restrictions. Report on Denver Police Department expresses need to be ready for more riots. Tiny house plan for homeless women makes sense. Disgrace/Something Nice: Systemically racist Colorado legislature limits small business relief only to preferred races. Trump's excellent judicial appointees--including those who reject his unsubstantiated claims about election fraud.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 4, 2020. Full episode. Denver Mayor Michael Hancock's hypocritical Thanksgiving travel puts him in the company of national hypocrites like the Cuomo brothers, Moe and Curly. The Colorado General Assembly is timid and supine for letting the Governor rule by decree for 10 months without a vote. Colorado Constitution precedent suggests that CCP virus vaccines should give some priority to people who are involuntarily confined, including at-risk prisoners. Colorado Catholic Church's forthrightness about 20th century abuses is appropriate. Disgrace/Something Nice. Arbitrator chooses a fair Denver Police contract, which had previously been blocked by the far left of the Denver City Council. Andrew Cuomo wins a deserved Emmy Award for playing a competent and life-saving governor on TV--the opposite of who he is in real life.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 20, 2020. Full episode. Gov. Jared Polis calls a special legislative session on CCP virus relief. New restrictions and Denver minimum wage will destroy more restaurants and bars. 15 Colorado counties at “Level Red.” Disgrace/something nice: Colorado Oil and Gas Comm'n mistakenly circulates internal email showing hatred of the fossil fuels industry; Mildred Taylor's wonderful book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is banned by a California school district.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 13, 2020. Full episode. Colorado CCP virus cases surge. Colo. House leadership elections for 2021 legislative session. Denver's 2021 budget. Denver neighborhood groups criticize city's missteps on homeless encampments, and two hour waits for police response. Disgrace/something nice: Election integrity problems should be reviewed carefully, for the security of future elections. Honor our veterans for preserving American lives and liberties.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 6, 2020. Full episode. The polls were wrong because cancel culture has silenced so many people--except when they cast a secret ballot. Colorado voters exercised their sovereignty by choosing to enact a mix of tax cuts, tax reform, and tax increases. Lauren Boebert shouldn't model herself on an ignoramus like AOC. Disgrace/something nice: Trump is acting as delusionally as Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams. The decent people who own small businesses on Colfax were once again violently attacked by America-hating rioters.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 30, 2020. Full episode. Gov. Polis order give extra money to unemployed people is constitutional. Pre-election rules of thumb are always accurate until they aren't. Lauren Boebert race in CD3. Disgrace/something nice: Trump's loss will be due to his childish personality. A remnant of Americans are trying to save free speech and our republic.

Reforming Mental Health Law to Protect Public Safety and Help the Severely Mentally Ill. Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Continuing Legal Education. One hour. Oct. 26, 2020.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 23, 2020. Full episode. Dem women rush to cast their ballots against Trump. How Colorado's extreme restrictions on campaign contributions promote dark money. U.S. District Judge Dan Domenico rules that Governor's orders against churches cannot treat churches worse than other entities. Colorado wildfires are the results of decades of bad forest management. Disgrace/Something nice: Denver School Board squashes high-quality high school for poor and minorities. Hurray for county clerks and volunteer pollwatchers.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 16, 2020. Full episode. Self-described "anti-fascists" are hardcore fascists. Black Guns Matter is a good organization. Hickenlooper/Gardner debate. People will not obey another lockdown, because the authorities have torched their own credibility. Disgrace and something nice: Proposition EE is a scam for Philip Morris to steal market share from less expensive competitors. Thank you to county clerks and poll watchers.

Fewer Guns, More Genocide: Europe in the 20th Century. Northwestern University Law Review Symposium, panel 3: Theory and Conflict. Oct. 9, 2020. Kopel starts at 41:58.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 18, 2020. Full episode. Denver proposed budget. Camping site for homeless opposed by neighborhood. High schools sports partially reopening. Disgrace/Something nice: "Decay in Denver" documentary; Justice Gorsuch and Rebecca Love Kourlis write about improving access to legal services.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 11, 2020. Full episode. Ballot language for Gallagher Amendment people false tells homeowners and residents that their taxes won't go up. National Popular Vote violates Colo. Constitution right of the people of Colorado to directly elect the presidential electors. U.S. Senate race. Denver urban "camping" ban upheld by district court. Ban on Colorado high school sports this season is unscientific. Disgrace and something nice: Rugby is better use of TV time than NFL football these days. Trump deserves applause for three peace deals in one month.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 4, 2020. Full episode. CD 3 race, Club 20 debates. Proposed new Denver police contract. Bandimere Speedway rally refuses to obey orders that the extreme Left doesn't have to obey. Disgrace/Something nice: Boulder woman who beat up 12 year old for Trump sign. Democrats are right in the dire accusations about Trump; Republicans are right that Biden is cognitively impaired and that many Democrats want the U.S. be like Cuba and Venezuela.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 28, 2020. Full episode. Republican National Convention. Polis and Hancock finally speak out against violent mobs. Lawsuit against Colorado emergency powers law argues that it violates separation of powers, by delegating unbounded lawmaking power to the governors. Disgrace/Something nice: Sportsball players wearing Nike products made by Uigher slave labor. The illustrious Adams family.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 21, 2020. Full episode. Democratic National Convention ignores nationwide far left riots. Denver City Council rejects Candi CdeBaca proposal to eliminate the police. Colo. AG files suit against US postal service. Some Colorado schools reopening. Disgrace/something nice: Dave recites Phish lyrics on censorship; John Quincy Adams spoke out against slavery and stood strong against censorship.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 1, 2020. Full episode. After declaration of public health emergency, homeless encampment at State Capitol is removed. Aurora protesters have free speech rights; Aurora criminal terrorists have no right to burn a courthouse or obstruct highways. Politically correct Colo. Dept. of Public Health bungles virus response. If schools aren't open, education funding should help families find alternatives. Disgrace/something nice. By profiting from CCP slave labor of racial minorities in China, the NBA = "puppets of the slavemasters." For Colorado Day, study Colorado's wonderful constitution.

Guns: Culture, Control, and Trump. Devil's Advocate with Jon Caldara. July 24, 2020. Examining increases in gun ownership in 2020, and over the last seven decades. The racist history of American gun control. 36 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. July 24, 2020. Full episode. Denver Police ordered not to interfere when communist mob assaults pro-police public assembly; like former pro-Klan Mayor Stapleton, Mayor Hancock is an active ally of violent hate groups. Denver's downward spiral worsens as homeless encampments take over public spaces. U.S. Postal Service tries to cut its deficit, with procedures that will slow down some mail by one day. Disgrace/something nice: N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo issues arbitrary and capricious edict that bars must serve "substantial food," which does not include chicken wings. CU researchers invent fast new test for CCP virus.

Colorado Inside Out. July 17, 2020. Full episode. Gov. Polis's statewide mask mandate is sensible. Denver City Council examines city charter changes to reduce Mayor's power. Colorado school districts consider back to school plans amidst CCP virus pandemic. Disgrace/something nice: My error last week in calling Rep. Leslie Herod a senator. Rep. Tom Sullivan's good bill to improve mail-in ballot procedures.

Colorado Inside Out. July 10, 2020. Full episode. Back in the studio! Primary election: Lauren Boebert upsets Scott Tipton in CD-3; a Biden administration would do well to appoint Romanoff. School re-openings. Greenwood Village resolution on reimbursing law enforcement for civil lawsuits. Disgrace/something nice: Communists trying to tear down memory of the past. Patty Calhoun.

Colorado Inside Out. June 26, 2020. Full episode. Evildoers attack the monument to Colorado soldiers who died in the Civil War, the memorial for victims of Sand Creek massacre, and the memorial for Armenian victims of genocide. "Defund the police" will lead to individual and collective self-help against violent criminals. Warren's endorsement of Hickenlooper comports with her Cabinet ambitions. Disgrace/Something nice: Marxists and racists are willfully blind, not "woke." Wisconsin statute of "Wide Awake" anti-slavery leader attacked by hate group.

Colorado Inside Out. June 19, 2020. Full episode. US Senate Democratic primary. Stand up to totalitarian mobs like the KKK and Cancel Culture. New business tax increase violates Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. Eviction crisis "study" is bogus. Disgrace/Something nice: Fauci's anti-mask untruths destroyed lives. Winston Churchill was the greatest anti-fascist ever.

Colorado Inside Out. June 12, 2020. Full episode. 22 week abortion ban makes the ballot. Debate between John Hickenlooper and Andrew Romanoff. Police reform bill fixes earn bipartisan support. Legislature raises businesses taxes, ruins Governor's proposal for tax cuts for the public. Disgrace/something nice: James Bennet's firing shows that NY Times is afraid of diverse thought; Colo. Sen. Michael Bennet would have been a better President than Dems who outpolled him in Georgia.

Constitutional Chats, from Constituting America. Federalist Paper 37, The Difficulties of Convention, by James Madison. June 9, 2020. Because of the limits of human knowledge and language, and the diversity of human interests, the proposed Constitution could not be expected to be theoretically perfect.

Colorado Inside Out. June 5, 2020. Full episode. DeBlasio and Whitmer crush churches and small business, and hypocritically lead mass gatherings. Rioters and looters are modern versions of Hitler's brownshirts and Mao's red guards. Colorado Sheriffs Offices are models for responsible use of force; hate campaign against all law enforcement officers is based on lies. John Hickenlooper was held in contempt at ethics hearing. Disgrace and something nice: Lancet's fake study against hydroxychloquine withdrawn; Minneapolis NAACP follows Ida B. Wells' wise advice by organizing multiracial armed defenders to protect black businesses from looters.

Colorado Inside Out. May 29, 2020. Full episode. Restaurants reopening. Protests and violence. Proposal to raise residential real estate taxes by repealing Gallagher Amendment. New CCP Virus model from Colo. Dept. of Health continues months of misinformation from Department. Disgrace and something nice: 6-foot Burger King crowns in Germany; 21 states the eased house arrest before May 4 doing well.

Colorado Inside Out. May 22, 2020. Full episode. Police being given addresses of victims of CCP virus. Budget cuts to higher education. Executive order on petition signature gathering. New ballot initiatives on taxes. Disgrace and something nice: CCP extends tyranny to Hong Kong. Lutherans and Catholics unite to fight discrimination in Minnesota.

Colorado Inside Out. May 15, 2020. Full episode. Polis and Trump meeting. Castle Rock restaurant unsafe opening. Weld County jail. Colo AG wants to return to rotten system of Colo. colleges violating Title IX student rights. Denver city government furloughs. Disgrace and something nice: federal laws preventing ranchers and farmers from bringing meat to consumers; Korean baseball.

Review of Supreme Court Oral Argument on States' Popular Votes and the Electoral College. C-Span. Hosted by the National Constitution Center. With Jeffrey Rosen and Paul Smith. May 13, 2020.

Colorado Inside Out. May 8, 2020. Full episode. Republican attempt to give candidate a break due to CCP virus problems is nixed by district court. Gardner trails in new Senate polls. After state government pushes the economy off a cliff, budget woes develop. Denver mask requirement. Disgrace and something nice: Colo. AG attacks due process for college students; nurses are great.

Colorado Inside Out. May 1, 2020. Full episode. Polis's latest orders. Trump order on meat processors. Denver City Council declines to be rushed into vote on FEMA funding. Disgrace and something nice.

Duke Center for Firearms Law. Covid and Guns: A Conversation with Dave Kopel. Apr. 28, 2020. Guns in the pandemic.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 24, 2020. Full episode. Privileged snobs mock unemployed protesters. Expiration of some state and county "stay home" orders. Judge allows senate candidate with insufficient signatures to be on the ballot anyway. Bureau of Land Management announces management plan for federal lands in SW Colorado; 5 of 6 counties agree. Disgrace and something nice: WHO's new "honesty" tweet.

Could The Supreme Court Provide Relief To Shuttered Gun Shops? Bearing Arms, Cam and Co. April 21, 2020.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 17, 2020. Full episode. Polis evades Colorado Open Records Act on his getting data about cell phone use. Reopening the state. CCP virus impact on people with high exposure and comorbidities. Disgrace and something nice.

Gun Rights, Emergencies, and Petty Tyrants. Bearing Arms, Cam and Co. April 15, 2020. 29 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 10, 2020. Full episode. Ventilator distribution. Colorado Supreme Court lets state legislature ignore state constitutional limit on legislative sessions. Secretary of State to exercise new grand inquisitor powers over candidates. Jail populations impacted by CCP Virus. Disgrace and something nice: Why "CCP virus" is the correct term.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 3, 2020. Full episode. Senate Republican letter to Polis about not keeping his promise to consult. Colorado Supreme Court says that "120 calendar day" limit on regular legislative session is ambiguous, so legislature can have extra days. Denver government proposes a consolidated homeless shelter. Rent crisis for some. Something nice: Sens. Gardner and Bennet lead the way on masks.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 27, 2020. Full episode. Colorado response to the CCP Virus. Governor signs bill abolishing death penalty. Disgrace and something nice.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 6, 2020. Full episode. Presidential race; Elizabeth Warren says "Kill it" to Bloomberg campaign. Tax consumer lobby proposes 2 billion tax increase. Crazy Denver councilwoman Candi CdeBaca and coronavirus. Disgrace and something nice: RTD axes widely-used buses for sports fan; Tulsi Gabbard soldiers on, while DNC changes rules to exclude her from debates.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 28, 2020. Full episode. Vagrants trashing Union Station public spaces. Super Tuesday preview. Legislature repeals death penalty. Paid leave mandate would devastate small business. Denver International Airport’s ignominious 25th anniversary. Disgrace and something nice: Communist China and Iran spread coronavirus; broadband speeds zoom since end of "net neutrality."

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 14, 2020. Full episode. Denver City Council votes to relegalize licensed "pit bulls." NH primary ends Michael Bennett's presidential bid. State legislature bill aims at private prisons. Allowing males to compete in women's sports is cheating and violates Title IX. Disgrace and something nice: Joe Biden's career of malarkey; new offices for Westword.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 7, 2020. Full episode. DIA 25th anniversary. State of the Union childishness. Iowa caucus debacle. Colo. legislators working to drive more small businesses out of businesses. Disgrace and something nice.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 31, 2020. Full episode. Sen. Cory Gardner votes against calling witnesses for impeachment trial. Problems with reporting of oil and gas severance taxes. Legislative bill to change RTD governance; RTD hires new interim director. Supreme Court lifts nationwide preliminary injunction against regulation to close loophole allowing immigrants to collect welfare. Disgrace and something nice.

Colorado Inside Out. On the Road. Special edition, taped live Jan. 28, 2020. Full episode. Trump impeachment effect on Colorado elections. Colorado's US Senate race. Super Tuesday. 2020 legislative session. Disgrace and something nice. Followed by a half hour of questions and answers from the audience at the Academy of Lifelong Learning.


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 27, 2019. Full episode. Year in review. Word of the year. Denver municipal elections. State legislative session. Disgrace/something nice.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 13, 2019. Full episode. Idaho Springs mayor faces possible recall. Denver City Council considering limitations on mayoral powers. Colorado's Congressmen Buck and Neguse in impeachment spotlight. Aurora Police Officer not charged with DUI or fired after being found drunk in police car. Disgrace/Something nice.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 6, 2019. Full episode. Michael Bloomberg touts his gun ban ideas. RTD General Manager resigns. Denver City Council approved tax on plastic and paper bags. Legislature's Paid Family Leave Tax. Disgrace/Something nice.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 8, 2019. Full episode. Voter turnout, Prop CC defeated, Prop DD enacts sports gambling, Aurora municipal election. Denver School Board election.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 25, 2019. Full episode. Trump Says Wall Being Built in Colorado. Shortage of RTD Operators May Result in Route Cuts. Report on Catholic Church Abuse. Denver City Attorney Investigating DIA Leak.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 18, 2019. Full episode. Fish mogul to run against Rep. Scott Tipton. Aurora clerk messes up ballots. Hypothetical study about health risks from oil and gas misused by anti-science prohibitionists. Denver School Board races pit reformers vs. union. Democratic U.S. Senate candidates complain about gag rule in party fora.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 11, 2019. Full episode. Crisanta Duran and Alice Madden drop out of congressional races. Public option to destroy private health insurance. Local Republican response to the impeachment inquiry. Proposition DD for sports gambling. Colorado Rising files weak lawsuit against Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 4, 2019. Full episode. No Medal of Honor Museum for Denver. Impeachment of present and previous crooks. "Yes on Prop CC" campaign to end tax refunds debuts. Denver raises age on tobacco purchases. New Denver minimum wage will kill jobs of low-skill workers.

Cam Edwards. Bearing Arms. Oct. 3, 2019. Dems Reveal Contempt For Second Amendment At "Gun Violence" Forum. Kopel starts at 6:45.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 27, 2019. Full episode. Climate doomsday group blocks traffic. Trump impeachment. Marijuana banking passes US House. RTD votes to provide land to Medal of Honor Museum. Abortion ballot issue to ban abortions after 22 weeks. Denver Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca proposes that voters elect Denver Sheriff.

Tom Gresham Gun Talk Radio. Sept. 22, 2019. Supreme Court 2nd Amendment Cases. Kopel starts at 13:39.

Progress on Second Amendment rights in the last three decades. Gun Rights Policy Conference. Phoenix, Arizona. Sept. 21, 2019.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 6, 2019. Full episode. "Empower" is new name for Broncos corporate welfare field. Mike Johnston drops out of US Senate race. Steve House to run for CD6 against Jason Crow; Polis recall fails. Adams County approves near-ban on oil and gas.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 23, 2019. Full episode. Far left leads in Colorado presidential poll. Hickenlooper runs for Senate. Tenth Circuit upholds rights of presidential electors. Voters reject changing name of Stapleton neighborhood.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 9, 2019. Full episode. Passing of journalist John Ensslin. Denver Mayor signs anti-gun ban letter to Congress. Colorado Springs police shoot fleeing violent felon. Denver City Council ends halfway house contract, so inmates stay in jail.

Colorado Inside Out. July 26, 2019. Full episode. Columbine High School will not be razed. New poll on legislature and Gov. Polis. Rep. Ken Buck questions Robert Mueller. Attempt to steal Tom's Diner. William Perry Pendley to run Bureau of Land Management.

Colorado Inside Out. July 19, 2019. Full episode. The asininity of Trump and Mean Girls. Denver Mayor Hancock sworn in for third term. Aurora seeks criminals who raised Mexican flag. New recall campaigns against two state senators. CDOT investigation of US 36 buckling.

Colorado Inside Out. July 12, 2019. Full episode. The passing of Neil Westergaard. John Hickenlooper shakes up his Presidential campaign staff. Democratic Senate poll. Petitions to recall Governor Jared Polis. "Transit advocates" oppose improving Pena Blvd.

Colorado Inside Out. July 5, 2019. Full episode. Time machine 1923. The cast goes back in time to discuss the KKK, Denver Mayor Stapleton, alcohol prohibition, and much more. Patty Calhoun as Emily Griffith, Dave Kopel as future Governor and Senator "Big Ed" Johnson, and more. Meet the panel. Denver sheds its cowtown image. Benjamin Stapleton is Elected Mayor of Denver. Prohibition Takes a Tenuous Hold in Colorado. Jazz Sweeps the Country with Colo. Roots.

Colorado Inside Out. June 28, 2019. Full episode. Scotus praises Colorado redistricting system. Dem presidential debate. AG Phil Weiser defends House Dems' violation of state constitution. Denver Mayor Hancock will not help feds remove illegal aliens subject to final removal orders.

Colorado Inside Out. June 14, 2019. Full episode. Passing of Broncos owner Pat Bowlen. Hickenlooper aims for non-crazy lane in Dem primaries. Sullivan recall withdrawn. Tearing down Columbine High School.

Colorado Inside Out. June 7, 2019. Full episode. Denver voters ban Olympics funding without consent. Hancock wins third term as Denver Mayor. City council incumbents lose run-offs. Proposal to replace Columbine High School building.

Colorado Inside Out. May 31, 2019. Full episode. Trump at Air Force Academy graduation. Denver mayoral race and Hancock's vile campaign. Douglas County School Board rejects school safety help from County Commissioners. New law ends felony penalties for personal use quantities of illegal drugs. Polis signs bill facilitating driver's licenses for illegal aliens.

Colorado Inside Out. May 24, 2019. Full episode. Colorado caps insulin copays. Secretary of State Jena Griswold's publicity stunt on Alabama abortion. Denver Mayor Hancock panders to racism in runoff. More construction delays an Denver airport.

Colorado Inside Out. May 17, 2019. Full episode. Kendrick Castillo Day. Denver mayoral runoff. Recalls: Dudley Brown runs scam for Tom Sullivan recall. Rochelle Galindo forced to resign for well-substantiated accusations of violent sex assault felonies.

Colorado Inside Out. May 3, 2019. Full episode. Sen. Bennett announces run for President. Last-days activity at Colorado legislature. Legislative session in review. Denver elections. New CU President Mark Kennedy.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 19, 2019. Full episode. CU presidential finalist Mark Kennedy. School closures after pre-Columbine anniversary scare. Denver mayoral debate. Oil and gas industry destruction law enacted.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 29, 2019. Full episode. Gov. Polis unveils new state logo. State Senate passes gun confiscation bill. State Senate's funding for highways faces tough road in House. Denver City Council ends sales tax on feminine hygiene products, moves towards vaping for under 21s.

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. Mar. 26, 2019. Hearing on mental health and gun legislation. Kopel starts at 31:36. Written testimony.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 22, 2019. Full episode. Colorado State Senators win lawsuit on state constitution requirement that bills be read at length. Dems announce plans to abolish state government spending limits. Presidential candidate Hickenlooper says he would nullify federal death penalty. Funding for full day kindergarten.

Colorado Inside Out. March 8, 2019. Full episode. Hickenlooper presidential run. Bill to eliminate oil and gas industry. Sanctuary counties fighting dangerous "red flag" bill. Bill to abolish the death penalty in Colorado.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 15, 2019. Full episode. Trump emergency wall funding. Denver teachers strike settled. Gun confiscation bill. Conversion therapy ban has big loophole for hormonal disruptors for children.

The Second Amendment & The Prevention of Tyranny. Duke Law School. With professors George A. Mocsary, Charles Dunlap and Darrell Miller. Feb. 28, 2019.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 1, 2019. Full episode. RTD's new shuttle. Sex indoctrination bill. Johnston enters 2020 Senate race. Denver teacher's union won't negotiate.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 11, 2019. Full episode. National Western Stock Show. Gov. Jared Polis sworn in. New appointments to state legislature. Race for Colo. GOP chair.


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 28, 2018. Looking ahead to the new year. Full episode. One-word prediction. Denver 2019 election. Transpiration and energy. Denver's development.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 21, 2018. Year in review. Full episode. Wrap-up. Look back at 2018. Legislative session. Denver in 2018.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 14, 2018. Full episode. Hickenlooper presidential run. Convention center corruption. Farm bill legalizes hemp, nixes work requirement for food stamps. Andrew Romanoff U.S. Senate run. State Sen. Daniel Kagan resigns.

Interview with David Harsanyi, author of "First Freedom: A Ride Through America's Enduring History with the Gun." Independence Institute. Dec. 12, 2018.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 7, 2018. Full episode. Colo. Supreme Court rejects Hickenlooper's silly interrogatories on the Gallagher Amendment. Vacating old marijuana convictions. Safe injection sites for Denver. Xcel's high-priced carbon-free promise.

NRA News. Cam & Company. Nov. 27, 2018. "Second Amendment Saved Our Lives." Kopel discusses his new article about the armed invasion of the home of NASCAR great Richard Childress.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 16, 2018. Full episode. Trump drives Colo. Dems to the polls. State legislature gets ready to persecute gun owners. Taxpayer's Bill of Rights leads Amazon to seek corporate welfare elsewhere. Hickenlooper unilaterally jacks up automobile prices for Coloradans.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 9, 2018. Full episode. DeGette runs for Majority Whip. Democratic election sweep in Colorado. Ballot issues rejected. Mike Coffman defeated.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 2, 2018. Full episode. Hickenlooper runs for President in NH. Record breaking money spent on elections. Election predictions. Jamie Giellis runs for Denver mayor.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 26, 2018. Full episode. Adams County finds missing ballots. Bernie Sanders stumps for Polis, demands billionaires get out of politics. Sketchy poll from CU American Politics Research Lab. Denver Posts urges no vote on Denver tax increases.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 19, 2018. Full episode. Pence and Schwarzenegger visit Colorado. Polis v. Stapleton. Transportation ballot issues. Lisa Calderon announces Denver mayoral run.

NRA News. Cam & Company. Oct. 19, 2018. Colorado Court of Appeals upholds magazine ban.

NRA News. Cam & Company. Oct. 5, 2018. Full episode. Penfield Tate runs for Denver mayor. Superpacs pull out of Coffman-Crow race. Michael Bennet's malfeasance in Kavanaugh nomination.

NRATV. Dana Loesch Relentless. Oct. 3, 2018. Gun Control Groups Pile on to Overturn Open Carry Win. Ninth Circuit en banc petition against right to bear arms in Hawaii.

NRA News. Cam & Company. Sept. 29, 2018. Australia's Gun Control Laws Won't Reduce Gun Deaths Here. New study finds no reduction in suicide from gun confiscation.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 28, 2018. Full episode. Start Up Week in Denver. Gardner acts responsibly and Bennet does the opposite when they receive Kavanaugh accusations. Gun ban Giffords group hits new low with ad against Coffman. Governor's race and Polis's confrontation with a thieving former employee.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 14, 2018. Full episode. Colorado Sun newspaper launches. Clinton joins Polis at fundraiser. Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge to open. Lawsuit against Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad. RTD proposes fare increase.

NRA News. Cam & Company. Sept. 17, 2018. Czech Republic Defies EU Gun Control Directive. Lawful Gun Owners Resent Being Targeted in Fight Against Terrorism.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 31, 2018. Denver Police release Susan Green video. Ballot issues set up battle between takers and makers. PUC approves plan for ratepayers to enrich Xcel Energy at the expense of consumers. Denver City Council approves ballot measure for public financing of politicians. Postgame: Audit of "Great Colorado Payback."

NRA News. Cam & Company. Aug. 28, 2018. Dave Kopel: UK's Gun Ban Shows Why Second Amendment Matters.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 17, 2018. Full episode. Boulder City Council wants to keep excess loot from sugary drink tax. Masterpiece Cakeshop files civil rights lawsuit after continuing persecution by Colorado "Civil Rights" Division. Governor candidate Jared Polis makes big ad buy. Newspapers respond to Trump attacks on journalism. Postgame: Ballot proposals on campaign finance.

NRA News. Cam & Company. Aug. 13, 2018. The 1986 plastic gun panic.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 10, 2018. Full episode. Interior Secretary Zinke visits Colorado. Petitions for ballot issues filed. Attorney General Coffman joins case urging censorship of gun-making instructions. Denver Mayor Hancock announces his long-term plan for Denver, plus new harassment policy. Postgame: Denver ballot initiative to raise taxes for mental health.

NRA News. Cam & Company. Aug. 7, 2018. Ninth Circuit upholds ban on new handgun models.

Devil's Advocate with Jon Caldera. Aug. 3, 2018. Recent Second Amendment cases in court.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 3, 2018. Full episode. Trump portrait in Colorado statehouse. Ninth Circuit decision on sanctuary cities. More petition problems for oil and gas ban. I-70 widening project breaks ground. Postgame: Deadline for ballot initiative petitions.

Colorado Inside Out. July 27, 2018. Full episode. New York Times bashes Walker Stapleton because of his great-grandfather. Lawsuit over petitions for fracking ban. Trump offers trade adjustment to farmers, while Kopel endorses trade war with China (only). Jason Crow claims that poll shows him ahead of Coffman, but won't release data. VA hospital finally opens, but VA still has huge problems. Postgame: Mayor Hancock virtue signals with plan to raise energy prices.

NRA News. Cam & Company. July 23, 2018. 9th Circuit Rules There is Right to Open Carry.

Colorado Inside Out. July 20, 2018. Full episode. Colorado leaders criticize Trump's groveling to Putin. Hancock's State of The City Address endorses appropriating landlords' property. Hickenlooper signs order to implement statute on orphan oil and gas wells. Public use of the Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge. Postgame: Denver Public Schools Superintendent Tom Boasberg is resigning while University of Colorado Chancellor Bruce Benson retires.

NRA News. Cam & Company. July 20, 2018. ACLU throws 2nd Amendment under the bus.

Colorado Inside Out. July 13, 2018. Full episode. Supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Governor candidates' running mate picks. Denver Police Department investigation regarding an incident with reporter Susan Greene. Postgame: Ballot initiatives to increase education funding, destroy oil and gas industry.

NRA News. Cam & Company. July 10, 2018. Brett Kavanaugh nomination.

Colorado Inside Out. July 6, 2018. Full episode. Time Machine special, from 1968. A year in review program from December 1968 Rocky Mountain News columnist Molly Mayfield (Patty Calhoun), community organizer Gerald Kopel (David Kopel), police reporter Al Nakula (Kevin Flynn), and feminist leader Florence Kennedy (Dani Newsum). The panel discusses riots, assassinations, the Vietnam War, and Richard Nixon's election victory. With Kopel cameo at President-elect Nixon. Postgame: Further thoughts on Nixon's win.

Colorado Inside Out. June 29, 2018. Full episode. Unaffiliated voters in the primary. Gubernatorial primary results. Hard left loses in other Dem primaries. Justice Kennedy retires. Postgame: New Denver Police Chief Paul Pazen.

Colorado Inside Out. June 22, 2018. Full episode. Governor primary races show how campaign finance "reform" favors the ultra-rich. Democratic primary races for AG and 6th CD. Separation of children of illegal aliens at the border. Postgame: Unaffiliated votes in primaries versus better system for electing Argentine soccer managers.

Colorado Inside Out. June 15, 2018. Full episode. State Budget Director Henry Sobanet retires. Victor Mitchell makes false claim of NRA support in Governor's race. Trump supports Cory Gardner's marijuana federalism bill. Denver Mayor to pick police chief from inside department. Postgame: Denver Police plan to collect race and ethnic data at traffic stops.

Colorado Inside Out. June 1, 2018. Full episode. Government announces proposal for 2030 Olympics in Colorado. Dem Gov candidates differ on education reform. New state transportation bill is underfunded. Post game: Anadarko implausibly claims safety rationale for shutting delivery system.

Colorado Inside Out. May 25, 2018. Full episode. New NFL policy on national anthem. Dem candidates for Governor veer far left. DCCC plays favorites in CD6 Dem primary. Postgame: Aurora PD pays settlement to woman who was assaulted and then falsely accused.

Colorado Inside Out. May 11, 2018. Full episode. Alden hedge fund is killing Denver Post. Legislature takes first, insufficient, steps to PERA reform. Sexual harassment charges at General Assembly. Postgame: Discrimination against religious adoption agencies; Civil rights Commission vs. civil rights; gun confiscation bill without due process.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 27, 2018. Full episode. Boulder Daily Camera editorial page editor Dave Kriger fired for criticizing vulture fund owner. Rep. Doug Lamborn off ballot due to petition problems. Denver Police Chief Robert White to retire. Teachers union protests. Postgame: Bill to remove work requirements for prisoners.

How's the Second Amendment Doing? A long-term perspective. Devils' Advocate with Jon Caldara. Colorado Public TV 12. Apr. 23, 2018.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 13, 2018. Full episode. Trump capitulates to Sen. Gardner on legal marijuana. Alden Global drains the Denver Post. Wild times in Colo. Governor's race. Denver Police Chief faces no discipline for stiffing Open Records Act request. Postgame: Upcoming state party assemblies.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 6, 2018. Full episode. Judge allows I-70 expansion to go forward. Colo. Senate votes against expelling Sen. Baumgardner based on weak evidence. Hickenlooper for President? Denver ballot tax proposal for mental health. Postgame: Denver City Council decides not to investigate Mayor for sexual harassment.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 30, 2018. Full episode. RTD moving forward on A line, but still decades behind light rail schedule. Colo. House approves Long Bill for state budget. Kennedy and Polis lead Dem. race for Governor. More affordable housing fiascoes in Denver. Postgame: Denver City Council race.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 23, 2018. Full episode. Ann Coulter performs at CU. Investigating Mayor Hancock and Denver's slush fund. Colorado legislature continues its refusal to fund adequate roads. Bloomberg rescues gun-banning governor candidate Mike Johnston. Postgame: Senate Majority Leader Lucia Guzman resigns.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 16, 2018. Full episode. Student protests against civil rights. Denver Post cuts more staff. Denver City Council will not investigate Mayor Hancock. Governor's race. Postgame: Denver Sheriff's Department improperly releases killer who is an illegal alien.

Age bans for young adults are unconstitutional. Cam & Company. NRA News. Mar. 13, 2018.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 9, 2018. Full episode. No-Lympics committee formed. Cary Kennedy shines in Dem. caucus. Colo. House expels Rep. Lebsock. Pressure on Mayor Hancock to resign over racy texts.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 2, 2018. Full episode. Oklahoma baseball coach fired for disrespecting Colorado. Colo. House of Representatives debate on expelling Rep. Steve Lebsock. Denver Mayor Hancock's mistreatment of woman on his security staff. Postgame: Bill to replace Columbus Day with Election Day as a state holiday.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 23, 2018. Full episode. Russian meddling in U.S. and Colorado. Parkland murders happened because FBI and Sheriff ignored lessons of Columbine. How Independence Institute is helping train armed teachers in Colorado. Colorado legislature refuses to fix roads, so Chamber of Commerce wants a tax increase. Postgame: Governor's race, with Dem battle between teacher's union and reformers.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 16, 2018. Full episode. Denver housing czar resigns. Federal judges says that "Raise the Bucks" rules to make initiatives much more difficult violates one-man-one-vote. Sen. Gardner gets marijuana policy assurances, lifts freeze on DOJ nominees. AG Cynthia Coffman will go through caucus system in Gov race. Postgame: Sex harassment charges vs. Sen. Baumgardner.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 9, 2018. Full episode. New Denver Manager of Public Safety. Dick Lamm endorses Mike Johnston for Governor. Joint Budget Committee questions funding for questionable behavior of Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Governor considers clemency grant for marijuana prisoners. Postgame: Sexual controversies at State Capitol.

Heller in the Lower Courts. 40 Campbell Law Review 399 (Feb. 2, 2018). Panel discussion with Sarah Ludington, Brannon Denning, Dennis Henigan, Hannah Shearer, and David Kopel. Video.

Heller and "Assault Weapons.” 40 Campbell Law Review 461 (Feb. 2, 2018). Panel discussion with E. Gregory Wallace, Allen Rostron: Panelist, Allen Rostron, Jonathan Lowy, and David Kopel. Video.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 19, 2018. Full episode. Women's March. Denver in top 20 in Amazon HQ2 search. Colo. Lottery bureaucracy aims for exemption from legislative review. Continuing disaster of Aurora VA hospital. Postgame: Denver Post to erect paywall.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 5, 2018. Full episode. Meow Wolf art space coming to Denver. AG Sessions pulls plug on DOJ marijuana memos. Denver bill to ban bump stocks and more magazines. Upcoming Colo. legislative session. Postgame: Gubernatorial race.


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 29, 2017. The year ahead. Special guest host Peter Boyles. Full episode. 2018 gubernatorial race. More 2018 election look-ahead. Disgraces and predictions. Postgame: CIO memories.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 22, 2017. Year in review. Full episode. Trump and Colorado. Governor's race developments. Denver's growth and growing pains. Postgame: Important issues from 2017.

Devil's Advocate with Jon Caldara. Dec. 22, 2017. Interstate right to carry reciprocity. Why bump stocks should be more stringently regulated.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 15, 2017. Full episode. The year in one word. New Colo. Sup. Ct. Justice Melissa Hart will pull Court to the left. Denver Mayor Hancock explores Winter Olympics bid. Rep. Steve Lebsock response to allegations. Postgame: Police raid some marijuana stores.

NRA News. Cam & Company. Dec. 12, 2017. Pelosi fails Washington Post fact check on national carry reciprocity.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 8, 2017. Full episode. Colorado Dems struggle to rename Jefferson-Jackson dinner. Masterpiece Cakeshop Supreme Court case and religious liberty. The blob wins in Douglas County, eliminates vouchers. Denver Police Department singles out Republican Rep. Lori Saine for unusually harsh treatment. Postgame: Private group to build affordable housing.

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. Dec. 6, 2017. Bill to ban bump stocks and some gunsmithing. S 1916. Video of testimony (Kopel starts at 2:31:28). Written testimony on this and other bills.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 1, 2017. Full episode. Denver Post layoffs. Misdirected anti-gentrification campaign against Ink! Coffee. Colorado legislature and workplace harassment. Postgame: Denver's changing restaurant scene.

Yes, They Are Coming for Your Guns. Hawaii confiscates firearms from lawful users of medical marijuana. NRA News, Cam & Company. Nov. 30, 2017.

Should Gun Makers Face Lawsuits After Mass Shootings? National Public Radio. OnPoint with Tom Ashbrook. Nov. 14, 2017. Kopel first appears at 20:42.

Drew Mariani Show. Relevant Radio. Nov. 14, 2017. Lawsuits against gun manufacturers.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 10, 2017. Speaker Duran calls for Steve Lebsock to resign. Colorado election results. Cynthia Coffman joins Governor race. US House approves Mike Coffman's mental health bill for veterans. Postgame: Judge rejects lawsuit against I-70 expansion.

Mass killings in gun-free countries. NRA News. Nov. 9, 2017.

Drew Mariani Show. Relevant Radio. Nov. 6, 2017. Changes in gun control laws.

Pro-gun Party Grows in Australia. NRA News. Oct. 31, 2017. The Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers party in New South Wales.

Colorado Inside Out: 25 Years. Oct. 27, 2017. Hour-long documentary about Colorado's longest-running public affairs television program.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 27, 2017. Full episode. Court reject challenge to changes at City Park golf course. Pence and Carson visit Denver; handmaids dress up in Old Dutch Cleanser costumes. Denver police union votes no confidence in Chief White. Postgame: Court nixes Denver's sentence-first-verdict-afterwards ban on park use.

The Staggering Hypocrisy of Harvey Weinstein. NRA News. Oct. 17, 2017.

Gun Rights are Women's Rights. PragerU. Hosted by Katie Pavlich. Oct. 16, 2017.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 13, 2017. Full episode. Colo. marijuana sales reach $1B in 1st eight months of 2017. Does Colorado want Amazon? Proposed smoking and vaping ban on 16th Street mall is malicious and priggish. Colo. Sup. Ct. says state statute against alien smuggling is preempted by federal law. Postgame: Thornton rules against oil and gas extraction violates state law.

Inflated Stats Used to Promote Gun Control. NRA News. Oct. 10, 2017. The claim that there are more "mass shootings" than days in the year.

Will more gun laws stop the next mass shooting? (Wall Street) Journal Editorial Report. Fox News. Oct. 7, 2017. Interview by Paul Gigot.

US gun control debate rages after Las Vegas mass shooting. Australia Broadcast Corporation, RN Breakfast. Oct. 4, 2017.

FarenHype 9/11. This 2004 documentary unmasks the lies in the Michael Moore and Harvey Weinstein movie Fahrenheit 9/11. Now available on the Web.

Federal litigation update. Gun Rights Policy Conference. Dallas. Sept. 30, 2017.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 22, 2017. Full episode. New report shows rising housing prices in Denver. Dept. of Corrections to build private prison. Graham-Cassidy health bill. Park Hill Golf Course sold. Post-game: Lakewood growth limit ballot issue.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 25, 2017. Full episode. Kasich-Hickenlooper presidential ticket? Tom Tancredo considers gubernatorial run. Perlmutter to re-run for Congress. Post-game: license applications now being accepted for social marijuana clubs in Denver.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 18, 2017. Angry mob at Cory Gardner town hall. Charlottesville aftermath. New Denver sanctuary city law. Trump fires Bannon. Postgame: Albus Brooks proposes opioid drug injection sites.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 11, 2017. Denver City Council issues. Denver Sheriff overtime spending. Jack Graham may run for governor. Denver Post 125th anniversary. Postgame: labor law violations by Cargill and Teamsters.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 4, 2017. Full episode. Ken Buck says GOP is dead. Gubernatorial race. Sanctuary city plans for Denver. Overland Park concert approved. Postgame: Cory Booker's bill to relegalize marijuana.

Colorado Inside Out. July 28, 2017. Full episode. Proposal for bus-only lane on Colfax. Skinny repeal of Obamacare fails. Trump tweets ban of transgender soldiers. New sanctuary city proposals in Denver. Overland Park music festival. Postgame: Republican gubernatorial primary.

Colorado Inside Out. July 21, 2017. Remembering the Aurora theater victims. Victor Mitchell says lawyers are unfit for executive office. DIA terminal make-over would cost $1.8 billion. Betsy DeVos speaks in Denver. Postgame: Hugh Jackman to star in Gary Hart movie.

Colorado Inside Out. July 14, 2017. Full episode. Hickenlooper joins global warming alliance. Ed Perlmutter drops out of Governor race. Hancock's State of the City address. Family requests re-opening of Marvin Booker case. Postgame: Lawsuit against I-70 expansion.

Colorado Inside Out. June 30, 2017. Time machine episode, set in 1917. Kopel plays Democratic Senator "Honest John" Shafroth. Introductions. Passing of Buffalo Bill Cody. US enters the Great War. Denver Mayor Robert Speer's building program. Postgame: Russian revolution.

Colorado Inside Out. June 23, 2017. Full episode. U.S. Senate bill on Obamacare. Lawsuit against forced labor at illegal alien detention center. Aurora city council wants corporate welfare for auto race track. Post game: Proposed ballot issue to ban cell phones for children under 13.

Colorado Inside Out. June 16, 2017. Full episode. Leftist extremist attempts to assassinate Republicans on baseball field. Jared Polis enters Governor's race. In 2d congressional district, Joe Neguse is stronger candidate than anti-rights extremists Ken Toltz and Shannon Watts. Colorado lawmakers sue Trump over Foreign Emoluments Clause. Postgame: Denver Post to abandon its downtown office building, leasing to Denver's very rapidly expanding city government.

Colorado Inside Out. June 9, 2017. Full episode. Sage grouse preservation. Comey testimony. Hickenlooper undecided on forfeiture reform. Postgame: Alison Eid appointed to 10th Circuit.

The Morality of Self-Defense and Military Action. Book interview with Kopel on "Devil's Advocate," CPT 12 Denver. 15 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. June 2, 2017. Full episode. Trump's "covfefe." U.S. withdraws from illegal Paris climate treaty. Proposed revision to Obamacare mandate for religious organizations to buy birth control. Postgame: Colorado high school graduation rate.

NRA News. May 24, 2017. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands seeks to revive handgun ban.

Colorado Inside Out. May 12, 2017. University of Colorado illegally creates racially segregated housing. Colo. Representatives respond to firing of FBI's Comey. End of Colorado legislative session, with good cuts of Governor's porkish Energy Office. Postgame: Immigration agents make arrests at Denver courthouse.

NRA News. May 9, 2017. Gun rights winning in legislative battles in the states.

Colorado Inside Out. May 5, 2017. Full episode. Poll shows Colorado voters favor Democrats. House explosions prompts pipeline inspections. Colo. legislature illegally raises spending without voter consent. Postgame: Big liquor stores make play at end of legislative session.

NRA News. Cam & Company. April 29, 2017. Kopel's new book on the morality of self-defense. Starts at 2:12:29.

Colorado Inside Out. April 21, 2017. RTD A-line to airport. Progress on construction defects bill. Tax increase for transportation in trouble. Colorado Sheriff Justin Smith vs. overbearing federal immigration officials. Postgame: Discipline for death of inmate in Denver jail.

Colorado Inside Out. April 14, 2017. Full episode. Rep. Coffman criticizes Sean Spicer. Cary Kennedy's inept announcement for Governor. New candidates in congressional districts 6 and 7. Tax and spending increases advance in legislature. Governors push back against federal interference in state marijuana regulation. Postgame: More payouts by Denver Police Department in use of force.

Colorado Inside Out. April 7, 2017. Full episode. High school student runs for Denver School Board. Judge Gorsuch becomes Justice Gorsuch. New candidates announce for Governor.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 31, 2017. Rep. Buck flips to wrong side on Ryan health care bill. AG Jeff Sessions says that Colorado has sanctuary cities. Colo. Senate approves biggest budget ever. Betsy DeVos criticizes school choice limits in Denver. Post-game: Joint Budget Committee block assisted suicide data collection.

NRA News. Cam & Company. Mar. 13, 2017. Second Amendment may be restored on Army Corps of Engineers land.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 10, 2017. Class action granted for illegal aliens in detention center. Colo. Republicans oppose Ryan's Obamacare lite proposal. Proposal for big state tax increase for transportation. Construction defects reform passes Colo. Senate. Post-game. New City of Denver ethics law.

A Lifeline in the Collapse of Law and Order. The DL with Dana Loesch. Season 1, episode 6. NRA TV. Mar. 2017.

NRA News. Mar. 6, 2017. Czech Republic considers constitutionalizing right to arms. Kopel at 2:45:27.

Why Women Own Guns. The DL with Dana Loesch. Season 1, episode 4. NRA TV. Mar. 2017.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 3, 2017. Full episode. Hickenlooper on Meet the Press re marijuana. Trump address to Congress. Gardner tele-town hall. Jury questions on sentencing phase of notorious murderer. Postgame: Jefferson County school board purges reforming superintendent.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 17, 2017. Full episode. Pueblo funds college scholarships with marijuana taxes. Women evades 2011 deportation order by taking sanctuary in Unitarian church. National security advisor Mike Flynn resigns. Postgame: Mayors asks for construction defects reform.

Gun Control's Racist History. The DL with Dana Loesch. Season 1, episode 3. NRA TV. Feb. 2017.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 10, 2017. Full episode. 9th Cir. upholds judicial stay on Trump travel ban. Betsy DeVos confirmed for Education Secretary, a job that shouldn't exist. Colo. Senate committee. passes bill to end failed Colorado Obamacare Exchange. Post-game: Bill would let cities set later closing time for bars.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 3, 2017. Full episode. Neil Gorsuch nominated for Supreme Court. Temporary travel ban attracts nationwide protests. Denver Mayor Hancock aims for third term. Postgame: Muslim leaders warned FBI about radical who killed RTD officer.

Gorsuch and the Second Amendment. NRA News. Feb. 2, 2017.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 27, 2017. CIO after 25 years. Trump threatens sanctuary cities. Women's march against Trump. Colorado hospitals exercise their right to opt out of assisted suicide. Postgame: Highlights of CIO's 25 year history.

Colorado Inside Out. Full episode. Jan. 20, 2017. Democrat Mike Johnston to run for Governor. Trump sworn in as President. Public meetings on Denver Department of Public Safety. Feds approve I-70 expansion in Denver. Postgame: Black Lives Matter selfishness harms Martin Luther King Marade.

Colorado Inside Out. Full episode. Jan. 13, 2017. Obama farewell speech. New Colo. legislative leaders. Colo. Senate Republicans and Obamacare. Hickenlooper's State of the State. Postgame: Happy Haynes is appointed Denver Deputy Mayor.

Czech Republic urges armed citizens to shoot terrorists. Cam & Company. NRA News. Jan. 4, 2017.


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 30, 2016. Predictions for 2017. Full episode. One-word predictions. Trump presidency. Colorado legislative session. Postgame: Homelessness.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 23, 2016.Year in review. Full episode. Best word for the year. Presidential election. Colorado elections. Best and worst of 2016. Postgame: grab bag.

Firearms United successfully pushes back against EU gun ban proposal. Cam & Company. NRA News. Dec. 22, 2016.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 16, 2016. Full episode. Colo. electors try to block Trump. Hysteria at CU over Milo speech. Sun Valley neighborhood in Denver gets federal housing grant. Hanover School District votes for armed teachers. Postgame: Possible FBI investigation into VA hospital construction fraud.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 9, 2016. Full episode. Colorado Electors' lawsuit. Controversy over I-70 expansion. Arapahoe DA to seek death penalty; race-baiters object. Postgame: Plans for additional regulation of marijuana.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 2, 2016. Full episode. Tyrant Fidel Castro is dead. Bob Beauprez considered for Secretary of Interior. Morgan Carroll runs for Colo. Dem. Chair. How should media treat so-called "alt-right." Postgame: Trump picks for administration.

NRA Members tipped the balance for Trump. Cam & Company. NRA News. Nov. 14, 2016.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 18, 2016. Full episode. Clarence Moses-El finally free after unjust prosecution. Trump vs. sanctuary city mayors. Post-election protests. Homeless sweeps in Denver. Postgame: Voters approve Proposition 300, to allow marijuana use in restaurants.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 28, 2016. Full episode. FBI reopens Clinton email investigation. Trump returns to Colorado. Marijuana tax revenues soar. Close races in CDs 3 and 6. Violent protesters of Dakota Access Pipeline.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 21, 2016. Full episode. Secy. of State spokesperson Lynn Bartels rebuts bogus Trump claim of rigged election. Final Trump-Clinton debate. Trumps campaign in Colorado. Mail-in ballots are sent out. Postgame: Denver DA vs. ballot selfies. Mail-in ballots.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 14, 2016. Full episode. Mayor Hancock appoints Alan Salazar chief of staff. The Clinton-Trump culture of impunity and sexual assault. Senate candidates debate. Coffman-Carroll battle. Postgame: Boulder prudes want to tax sugar drinks.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 7, 2016. Full episode. Vice-President debate. Trump's tax bologna sandwich. Ballot measure to "rig the bar" against constitutional amendments. Postgame: Police organizations are right to endorse Trump, after Hillary's endorsement of cop-killers.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 30, 2016. Full episode. Denver City Council abolishes Columbus Day. Congress overrides Obama veto on 9/11 lawsuits. Trump chokes in 1st debate with Clinton. Trump to visit Colorado. Ballot issue to make tobacco tax loot immune to legislative control. Postgame: Supreme Court to hear Douglas County Schools case on services for students with disabilities.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 16, 2016. Full episode. Brandon Marshall's antics. Trump leads Clinton in Colorado. Bogus study on minimum wage hike evades unemployment problem. Denver's 2017 budget proposal. Postgame: State Board of Education lifts ban on diet soda.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 2, 2016. Aurora victims may appeal. Trump visits Mexico. Anti-fracking initiatives fail to qualify for ballot. Battle over Blue Book wording. Postgame: Denver ballot measure on marijuana consumption locations.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 19, 2016. Magic Johnson wants contract for Denver airport remodel. Ken Salazar to head Clinton transition. Denver settles whistleblower claim with assistant city attorney. Dems divided over Amendment 69 health care takeover. Post-game: Commerce City police ask DOJ for help.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 12, 2016. RTD trains break again. Signatures come in on ballot proposals. Denver to collect racial data on police interactions; no charges to be filed against officer who shot bank robber. Emails show Trump campaign's inept management of Colorado Springs event. Bad state laws lead to controversial sentence for CU student convicted of rape. Postgame: State Board of Education votes to allow schools to decide whether to sell diet soda.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 5, 2016. Woody Paige leaves Denver Post. Clinton and Pence visit Colorado. Coffman criticizes Trump & Clinton. Daryl Glenn explains how he defended his mother from abusive father. More criminal attacks in downtown Denver.

Colorado Inside Out. July 29, 2016. Hillary wins Dem nomination, shattering glass ceiling for ex-Presidents' wives. Hickenlooper speaks at Dem Convention. Party conventions compared. Trump visits Colorado.

Colorado Inside Out. July 22, 2016. Full episode. Colorado Republican delegates keep the faith, stand up to Trump bullies. RNC speeches by Daryl Glenn, Ted Cruz and Melania Trump. Hickenlooper not picked for VP. Tax increase advocates drop ballot initiative.

Colorado Inside Out. July 15, 2016. Full episode. Jihadi attack on France on Bastille Day. Trump picks Pence. Denver Mayor Hancock's State of the City.

Colorado Inside Out. July 1, 2016. 1876 time machine episode. Set in November 1876, the cast includes Mrs. Augusta Tabor (Patty Calhoun); U.S. Democratic Rep. Thomas Patterson (David Kopel); Colorado First Lady Mrs. John Routt (Natasha Gardner), and Rocky Mountain News Publisher William Byers (Kevin Flynn). Topics include Custer's Last Stand, railroads and economic problems, and the contested presidential election results.

Colorado Inside Out. June 24, 2016. Full episode. Trump/Palin to speak in Denver. GOP Senate primary. U.S. House Democrats engage in banana republic stunt against civil rights, for fundraising. More jobs axed at Denver Post. Postgame: Violent crime wave on Denver's 16th Street mall.

Colorado Inside Out. June 17, 2016. Full episode. Political exploitation of Orlando crime. Hickenlooper signs compromise on grocery store alcohol sales. Illegal Denver plan to raise taxes, flood parkland. Postgame: Denver Post owners slash jobs.

Colorado Inside Out. June 10, 2016. Full episode. Legacy of Muhammad Ali. Mrs. William Clinton secures Democratic nomination. GOP Senate Primary debate. Survey shows Western Colorado rich in natural gas.

Colorado Inside Out. June 3, 2016. Full episode. Denver Post Reports Group Behind Corrections Director's Death. Judge dismisses petition suit in GOP Senate race. Hickenlooper intros new ballot issue to restrict petitions. Post-game: New law imposes huge fines on small employers.

Good News for the Second Amendment. May 26, 2016. Independence Institute Freedom Minute. Explaining two important new federal court decisions.

Colorado Inside Out. May 13, 2016. Full episode. Keyser's petition problems. Sketchy bill on grocery store alcohol sales. Legislature wisely rejects panic to change caucus system, and to increase spending without voter approval. Civil lawsuit against Aurora theater which foolishly banned licensed carry. Post-game: Proposed Denver regulations on vacation home rentals are reasonable.

Colorado Inside Out. May 6, 2016. Proposal for bonds to fix Colorado roads. Trump makes Republican party stupid and evil. Sen. candidate Blaha whines about Colo. Secy. of State. Colorado Supreme Court overturns illegal local bans on fracking. Post-game: construction defects reform blocked by trial lawyers.

Colorado Inside Out. April 29, 2016. Full episode. Lying, crooked Trump & Clinton unfit for office. Ballot problems for GOP Sen. candidates. Denver Public Schools says it's short of money. Denver Post cuts more reporters. Post-game: Bernie easily pushes Hillary far left, since she has no principles.

Colorado Inside Out. April 22, 2016. Full episode. Pro-gun Republican Harriet Tubman on $20 bill. Colorado presidential primary proposed. New light rail to Denver Airport has stupid name. Proposal to allow more grocery store sales of alcohol. Denver City Council approves stricter marijuana zoning. Post-game: possible return of ski train to Winter Park.

Colorado Inside Out. April 15, 2016. Denver Police properly shoot criminal, near Civic Center. Cruz sweeps Colorado. Senate candidate Daryl Glenn wins convention. Bernie Sanders win other delegate, after math error discovered. Post-game: Denver City Council looks at tougher zoning for marijuana businesses.

Colorado Inside Out. April 8, 2016. DIA to move security checkpoints. Colo. Republican assembly. State budget, and the Mean Power Plan. Denver flood prevention. Postgame: Denver pays $300,000, even though police acted properly.

Colorado Inside Out. April 1, 2016. Full episode. Junk food tax. Hospital tax. Cruz to speak at Colo. Republican convention. Denver Health CEO resigns. Postgame: Teen sexting bill.

Colorado Sheriffs welcome 10th Circuit decision vacating trial court's anti-Second Amendment ruling. Announce plan for new case based on new 10th Circuit procedures. Press conference. March 22, 2016.

The Future of International Drug Policy. Kopel interviews Mexican lawyer and professor Alejandro Madrazo Lajous regarding the drug war in Mexico. March 21, 2016.

Colorado Inside Out. March 11, 2016. Full episode. High school students required to take the immigration civics test. Denver enforces camping ban. Unlike Denver, Aurora allows police to shoot drivers who are trying to murder them. Greeley allows lawful oil drilling. Plans for the Denver Performing Arts Center. Ben Carson's endorsement of Donald Trump.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 26, 2016. Full episode. Anti-gun advocate runs for state senate. GOP Debate. Super Tuesday in Colorado. Local implications of Guantanamo Bay closing. DCPA proposal.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 19, 2016. Full episode. Trump and the Pope. Justice Scalia's death and Colo. Senate race. Denver DA race; Denver police officer lawfully shot criminal. No Colorado lawsuit yet on EPA Gold King Mine malfeasance. Hillary, Chelsea, and Bernie campaign in Colorado.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 12, 2016. Full episode. Super Bowl parade. NH primary. Polis & Coffman propose end to the draft. Doug Bruce probation violation. Colo. Dept of Health to continue pushing Obama's illegal anti-energy plan.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 5, 2016. Full episode. Taxpayers pay for Denver Mayor to go to Super Bowl. Colorado Senate race. Prison parolee murders. North Denver I-70 plan. Postgame: More post-Iowa analysis.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 29, 2016. Full episode. Broncos in Super Bowl. Legislative session begins. Denver's innovative plan for the homeless. Colo. ballot initiative for state government total health control. Postgame: Commerce City pays $262,000 for police shooting of dog.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 15, 2016. Full episode. Keyser runs for Senate. State of the Union. Homicide of inmate Michael Marshall. Postgame: Kansas threatens kids of vet who uses Colorado medical marijuana.

Debate Over The Second Amendment To The U.S. Constitution. The Diane Rehm Show. National Public Radio. Jan. 11, 2016. With Akhil Reed Amar, Bruce Fein, and Jeffery Rosen.

Discussion of American Sniper widow's comments at Obama town hall. Fox Business Network, Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton. Jan. 8, 2016.

The Bad and Good of Obama's Executive Orders on Guns. Cato Institute daily podcast. Jan. 7, 2016.

Will Obama's action on guns help prevent deaths? PBS NewsHour. Video of Kopel and "Everytown" head John Feinblatt. PBS NewsHour. Jan. 5, 2016.

Interpreting the Second Amendment. Kopel and Jeffery Toobin on Anderson Cooper 360. CNN. Jan. 5, 2016.

Obama Unveils Gun Control Measures. CTV (Canada). Jan. 5, 2016.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 1, 2016. Predictions for the new year. Full episode. Presidential election. Major races in Colorado. Postgame: 2016 ballot issues.


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 25, 2015. Year in review. Full episode. 2015 in one word. Big criminal trials. Education reform. Postgame: EPA pollution with Gold King Mine spill; VA hospital delays; police tensions.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 18, 2015. Full episode. Rape conviction overturned; Denver man spent 28 years in prison because accuser had a dream that he raped her. Violent threats shock school districts. Last Republican debate of 2015.

Has gun violence in the US become a public health crisis? Colorado State of Mind. (Rocky Mountain PBS, Channel 6). Dec. 11, 2015. Kopel discussion with Erik Wallace (starts at 12:00). Web extra.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 11, 2015. Full episode. Marijuana tourism. Fascist threat of Trump and Hillary. Colorado Springs criminal admits guilt. Postgame: Fracking bans in Colo. Sup. Ct.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 4, 2015. Full episode. San Bernardino attack. Colorado Springs attack. Colorado Supreme Court rebuffs effort to make Attorney General subservient to the Governor. Postgame: Denver City Council rejects effort to forcibly designate home as "historic."

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 13, 2015. Full episode. Bonuses for Veteran's Administration officials who botched hospital construction. Ryan Frazier declares for U.S. Senate. Lt. Gov. Garcia leaves to head higher education commission. Denver marijuana regulation. Postgame: Denver city budget.

Everytown's Background Check Law Impedes Firearms Safety Training. NRA News. Nov. 10, 2015.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 23, 2015. Full episode. New flight from Denver to Munich. Hillary Clinton testifies on Benghazi. Colorado Health Co-op succumbs to Obamacare economics. Proposal to allow grocery stores to sell beer and wine. Panhandling laws. Postgame: Upcoming Republican Pres. debate in Boulder.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 16, 2015. Full episode. Denver City Council says Columbus Day is "Indigenous People's Day." New Sheriff in Denver. CNN Dem debate. School board elections. Postgame: Tax refund vote.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 9, 2015. Full episode. U.S. House Speaker chaos. Denver plan for $130 million in corporate welfare for Stock Show. Hickenlooper's poor plan on global warming. Terrance Roberts not guilty. Post-game: Jeffco School Board's Ken Witt uses political stunt to rebut phony claim that he violated Open Meetings Act.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 2, 2015. Full episode. Frontier Airlines prospering. Silly Newsweek cover story attempts to explain Colorado politics. Hickenlooper & Lamm acknowledge Hillary's credibility gap. Brauchler not running for Senate. Post-game: Boulder rescinds harmful bike lane changes.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 18, 2015. Full episode. Pot tax holiday, CNN GOP presidential debate, Denver budget, Hickenlooper plans $100M for bikes. Postgame: Polis's foolish comments on rights of students falsely accused of rape.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 4, 2015. Full episode. Judge halts illegal plan to expand homeless shelter. Sen. Bennet endorses Obama plan for Iranian nuclear bombs. Douglas County School Board files certiorari petition with U.S. Supreme Court. Denver Police Department pays $860,000 settlement for excessive force. Postgame: Marijuana activists pull ballot measure, to work out compromise with Denver government

Colorado Inside Out. August 28, 2015. Full episode. New report on why EPA polluted Animas River. Jury rights activists at odds with Denver Police. Denver City Council violates First Amendment, halts airport contract with Chick-Fil-A franchisee. Colorado GOP votes not to endorse presidential candidates via caucuses. Postgame: Denver tax increase proposal for college.

Colorado Inside Out. August 21, 2015. Full episode. Anti-fracking lobby plan for 2016 ballot initiative. Animas River pollution cover-up by EPA. Aurora theater criminal receives maximum sentence. Jeffco School Board recall advertising begins. Postgame: Denver Police Department takes 14 minutes to reach violent crime scene on 16th Street mall attack by 20 thugs.

Colorado Inside Out. August 14, 2015. Full episode. Aurora to reform condo construction defects law. EPA pollutes Animas River. Life sentence for Aurora theater murderer. Fero's Bar murder case enters capital phase. Postgame: Denver ballot initiative to allow marijuana consumption (but not smoking) at bars or restaurants.

Colorado Inside Out. August 7, 2015. Full episode. Republican presidential debate. Jury deliberating on capital punishment for Aurora theater murderer. Proposed Denver tax for corporate welfare for National Western complex. Postgame: Biden and Hillary visit Colorado.

NRA News. July 31, 2015. Sons of Heller. Little-known Second Amendment victories in the federal distinct courts.

Colorado Inside Out. July 17, 2015. Full episode. Lynn Bartels to work for Secretary of State. Guilty verdict for Aurora theater murderer. Colorado Board of Health wrongly denies MMJ for persons with PTSD. Eco agenda damaging Colorado State Fair. New Denver City Council unlikely to make a difference.

Colorado Inside Out. July 10, 2015. Reformist Jeffco School Board members targeted. Morgan Carroll will run against Mike Coffman. Colorado Supreme Court nixes Dougco vouchers. VA posts progress sign on delayed hospital. US Supreme Court deals fatal blow to lawsuit against Taxpayers Bill of Rights.

Colorado Inside Out. July 3, 2015. Time Machine 1940. Kopel portrays Democratic Attorney General, and US House candidate, Byron Rogers. Full episode. Denver Mayor Stapleton's construction projects. Alcohol taxes. FDR runs for 3d term. Post-game: Corruption in Denver civil service.

Colorado Inside Out. June 26, 2015. Full episode. Controversy over AG and Republican State Chair. Supreme Court rules for gay marriage. South Carolina Confederate flag. Mayor Hancock pushes agenda through lame duck City Council.

Colorado Inside Out. June 19, 2015. Full episode. Jeb Bush and Donald Trump announce presidential campaigns. Issues looming in the Colorado Republican Party. AG Cynthia Coffman announce she won't run for U.S. Senate. Colorado Supreme Court makes huge decision related to employers and medical marijuana. Pot use in private bars? Aurora Theater Trial updates. South Carolina church murders.

American Constitution Society. June 12, 2015. Panel on Skewed Justice: How Money in Judicial Elections is Undermining our Criminal Justice System.

Colorado Inside Out. June 5, 2015. Full episode. Hickenlooper vetoes limits on red light cameras. Denver Airport development deal with Adams County. Proposed tax increase for permanent welfare for National Western Stock Show. Cong. Mike Coffman says he will not run for U.S. Senate. New Denver City Council members.

Guns, Law and Society: Understanding the Arguments. Dart Center. Arizona State University. May 29, 2015.

Colorado Inside Out. May 22, 2015. Full episode. Topics: John Suthers wins Colo. Springs mayor race. VA hospital construction funding. More trouble in Denver jails. Denver City election round-up. JeffCo schools declines to disrupt high school exams for Hickenlooper publicity.

Colorado Inside Out. May 15, 2015. Frontier Airlines CEO quits. Glendale uses eminent domain for corporate welfare. JeffCo School Board loses case on teacher pay. Legislators send letter to Governor over problems at Dept. of Human Services. Legislators use personal email accounts for official business, to avoid Open Records Act. Senators Gardner & Bennett introduce federal bill to allow low-THC medical marijuana oil, Charlotte's Web.

Colorado Inside Out. May 8, 2015. Full episode. Dan Haley to head Colorado Oil & Gas Association. 2015 legislative session. Gov. Hickenlooper's complains about fiscal mess he helped create. Denver municipal elections. What VA officials knew.

Baltimore riots. May 2, 2015. Radio Svoboda. In Russian.

Colorado Inside Out. May 1, 2015. Full episode. National Western Stock Show corporate welfare. Gang violence in NE Denver. Aurora theater trial opening statements. Proposal to borrow money to pay for underfunded pensions for public employees. Denver election.

Colorado Inside Out. April 24, 2015. Full episode. Connect for Health Colorado's search for new CEO. Governors fight to keep standardized testing. Proposed fetal homicide bill. Denver's municipal election. Bill to limit taking agricultural land for corporate welfare. Denver elections. TABOR refund options.

Colorado Inside Out. April 17, 2015. Full episode. Topics: Dudley Brown is "a liar, a huckster, and a hoax." Hickenlooper's reckless Medicaid expansion and the budget mess. It's OK that Colo. Christian Univ. and the Colo. Republican Party have different views on pro-gay marriage groups. Veterans should get health care vouchers until VA hospital problem is solved.

Colorado Inside Out. April 3, 2015. Full episode. Topics: Trial costs for Aurora theater killer are well worth it. Klingenschmitt punishment was similar to Rep. Merrifield's. Indiana's religious freedom bill and the persecution of Christians. Littleton School Board stops covering up its knowledge about the murder of Claire Davis.

NRA News. April 1, 2015. Oral argument in Fourth Circuit challenge to Maryland gun ban.

Colorado Inside Out. March 27, 2015. Full episode. Topics: Longmont attack shows need to change laws on fetal homicide. Klingenschmitt comments were like Jeremiah Wright's. CU Denver prof's study shows that legal medical marijuana sharply cuts suicide rates for males 20-39. Colo. oil glut shows foolishness of 95 years of "peak oil" hysteria. VA hospital mess shows need for health vouchers for veterans.

Colorado Inside Out. March 13, 2015. Full episode. Recreational marijuana sales set record. Denver Police pilot program on body cameras. I-70 project in Denver. Senators Bennet and Gardner announce shut-down stunt. Post-game: Denver municipal election ballot finalized.

Colorado Inside Out. March 6, 2015. Full episode. Lawsuit against lawful marijuana. Littleton voters require citizen approval for eminent domain and corporate welfare. Tolls on US-36 Boulder-Denver are fair. Rebutting the claim that Colorado voters are sexist.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 27, 2015. Full episode. Topics: DIA 20th anniversary. Oil & gas task force offers proposals. Proposed ban on red light cameras. Judge rules against Gaylord welfare hotel. Proposed restrictions on medical marijuana caregivers.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 20, 2015. Full episode. Topics: The opposition facing Chairman Ryan Call's re-election, Chief White and the Denver Police Protective Assoc. clash over protest policies, Dems hold public safety funding hostage to increased CBI hiring, the lawsuit filed by anti-drug organization Safe Streets over the legalization of retail marijuana. Post game: permitless handgun carry.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 13, 2015. Full episode. Topics: VA head clashes with Rep. Coffman. More power for Denver's independent monitor of the police. Student use of medical marijuana. Parents' Bill of Rights. Post game: Brian Williams suspended, but Al Charlatan remains on the air.

Harvard Law School. Harvard Journal on Legislation's Symposium, "Firearms in America: Safety and Liberty." Feb. 11, 2015. Video (in .mov format, must use Windows Media Player).

Colorado Inside Out, Feb. 6. Full episode. VA Director Lynette Roff's retirement, Mayor Hancock's re-election, the introduction of seven new gun control bills, vaccinations. Post game: Boulder outdoor smoking/vaping ban persecutes people with mental illness.

Colorado Inside Out, Jan. 30, 2015. Full episode. Topics: Denver police shoot driver who tried to run them over. Colorado euthanasia proposal. Felony DUI proposal. More problems for Colo. health exchange. Persecution of bakers for free speech about gay issues.

Colorado Inside Out, Jan. 23, 2015. Full episode. Topics: State of the Union speech. Drivers licenses for illegal aliens. Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Marade. The Colorado legislative decision to allow two commissions to expire.

Colorado Inside Out, Jan. 16, 2015. Full episode. Topics: Governor Hickenlooper and Taxpayer Bill of Rights, Governor John Hickenlooper's 2.0 program that focuses economic development, Denver City Council's proposal of a 10.9% pay raise for City officials, and protest surrounding Bill Cosby's performance at the Buell Theatre. Post game: Rep. Jerry Kopel's role in the MLK holiday bill.

Colorado Inside Out, Jan. 2, 2015. Full episode. Look ahead at 2015. Post game: Aurora theater trial.


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 26, 2014. Year in review. Post game: The surprising competence of Colo. Republicans in 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 19, 2014. President Obama's announcement that the U.S. will reopen its relationship with Cuba. Nebraska and Oklahoma filed a law suit against Colorado over the effect our legalization of marijuana has had on their criminal system. Possible expansion of the number of red light cameras being placed around Denver.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 12, 2014. 10K jury summons sent out to citizens for the Aurora Theater Shooting trial. The newly released audit for Connect for Health, Colorado's health exchange program. The Army Corps of Engineers taking over the construction of Aurora's VA Hospital. The union representing DPD is at odds with Mayor Hancock over wearing protective gear at ongoing protests. Post game: Sen. Udall vs. CIA.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 5, 2014. Gov. Hickenlooper's apology to the descendants of the Sand Creek Massacre. The current cultural climate surrounding race relations due to growing Ferguson protests nationwide and locally. Post game: Orion launch.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 21, 2014. Debate between Xcel Energy and the Public Utilities Commission over rates. Governor Hickenlooper's comments about teachers carrying guns while at school. President Obama's immigration plan. Post game: I-70 project in north Denver.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 14, 2014. Aftermath of election day in the House and Senate majorities and Andrew Romanoff being groomed for 2016. They also touch on the Globeville, I-70 expansion project that has Denver City Auditor upset. Post game: Gunnison Sage Grouse.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 7, 2014. Election review.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 31, 2014. Post game: Predictions for ballot issues.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 24, 2014. Colorado teenagers arrested in connection with ISIS, controversy over recent gubernatorial campaign ads and the FLOTUS and Hilary Clinton come to Denver to support Udall. Post game: Proposed ban on marijuana edibles.

Armed Resistance to Genocide. Presentation on the armed resistance to genocide given to the Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors. Los Angeles. YouTube.com. 82 minutes. Oct. 21, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. The Ebola crisis as a Frontier plane carrying a nurse infected with disease lands at DIA to be cleaned. U.S. Senate candidates Mark Udall and Cory Gardner display their political style differences during their last debate of the election season. The family is awarded $4.65M in a suit to be paid out by the city of Denver. VA bill sponsored by Mike Coffman goes sour. Post game: Senate and Governor polls. Oct. 17, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. The judge in the Aurora Theater shooting case allowing it to be filmed. Controversy over pay raises and curriculum in Jeffco schools. A Colorado Supreme Court case involving a paraplegic medical marijuana patient who was fired from Dish Network for drug use. Post game: Contentious comments made by Representative Doug Lamborn about President Obama and his foreign policy. Oct. 3, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. Special live broadcast from Highlands Ranch Library. Oct. 3, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 19, 2014. The latest campaign ads pushing for the safe consumption of marijuana-edibles. Polls come out showing conflicting data for U.S. Senate and Gubernatorial races. The parents of a woman killed in the Aurora Theater shootings file a law suit against the ammunition companies who sold products to the suspect in the case. Post game: Jeffco teacher union stages illegal strike over merit pay.

Nat Hentoff interview. Kopel speaks with legendary music critic, journalist, syndicated columnist, and civil libertarian Nat Hentoff. They discuss the current state of civil liberties in America and Nat explains why Obama has been the worst president of all-time when it comes to our individual freedoms. YouTube.com. 55 minutes. Sept. 17, 2014.

Do American Police Departments Need Military Weapons from the Pentagon? Cato Institute panel event. Sept. 12, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 5, 2014. Atty. General running for mayor of CO Springs. Cory Gardner and Mark Udall campaign ads attacking each other. Protesters threatening to pull the Latino vote from Hickenlooper if Dems don't further implement the new licensing program for illegal immigrants. Post game: Denver hires former FBI agent to guide the sheriff department's reform.

Colorado Inside Out.  Aug. 28, 2014. Republicans launching a new fundraising and informative website aimed at regaining the Senate. Gov. Hickenlooper making new comments about the Nathan Dunlap death penalty case in an upcoming CNN documentary. Bob Beauprez upsetting some for comments he made about immigration. The City of Aurora awarding retail pot licenses to 21 businesses. Post game: The abundance of pro and anti-fracking ads on TV, despite their absence from the 2014 November ballot.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 22, 2014. The stay placed on Colorado's same sex marriage ban. An update on Denver Mayor Hancock's efforts to reform the sheriff department. Initiatives related to GMO labeling and public school board meeting being confirmed as ballot issues for November. Post game: TV campaign ads.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 8, 2014. The loophole that allowed Arapahoe High School not to report the December 2013 shooting to the Dept. of Education. Gov. Hickenlooper announcing a compromise on fracking ballot initiatives and the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission's lawsuit against Longmont being dropped. Post game: Denver government wants unaccompanied illegal alien minors in Denver.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 1, 2014. Denver Sheriff's department under independent review, the R.A.G.A. made 2.5 million dollar ad buy for A.G. candidate Cynthia Coffman, Opposing rallies on the state capitol over the Hamas war against Israel. Post game: Gay marriage case in Colo. Sup. Ct.

Palmer v. District of Columbia. Federal court upholds right to carry in DC. NRA News. July 28, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. July 25, 2014. Sarah Palin's trip to Denver for the 5th Annual Western Conservative Conference. Safe Clean Colorado's efforts to get two fracking issues on November's ballot. The Colorado Symphony Orchestra and the city of Denver's dispute over how to proceed in the remodeling of Boettcher Concert Hall. Post game: Pat Bowlen retires.

Devil's Advocate. On the legal battle against Colorado's anti-gun laws. July 18, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. July 11, 2014. New CNN series focused on the Nathan Dunlap case. President Obama's visit to Denver in support of Sen. Udall, who wasn't present at the events. Denver, Boulder and Pueblo issuing same sex marriage licenses, despite ban. Sen. Udall proposing new bill to ban employers from refusing health coverage to their employees, especially contraceptives. Post game: New mental evaluation of perpetrator of Aurora theater attack.

Colorado Inside Out. This time, host Dominic Dezzutti, along with Patricia Calhoun, David Kopel, Dani Newsum and Kevin Flynn visit 1964. Topics include Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s visit to Denver, Denver's newest police chief and the influx of government agencies relocating to Colorado. Post game: Dominic Dezzutti, Patricia Calhoun, David Kopel, Dani Newsum, Kevin Flynn take us back in history as they discuss the presidential race involving President Johnson and Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater. July 4, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. June 27, 2014. Boulder County Clerk's office issuing same sex marriage licenses to couples despite the AG deeming them invalid. Bob Beauprez winning the Republican nomination for governor. Ken Buck besting the other hopefuls in the CD 4 race. The GOP's performance in key Jeffco state senate primaries. Post game: U.S. District Court Judge, Marcia Krieger ruling against Colorado Sheriffs.

Colorado Inside Out. June 20, 2014. Gov. Hickenlooper's unwelcomed apology to a group of sheriffs who are unhappy about the way he handled gun legislation. Fundraising numbers are highlighted in the gubernatorial primary. The effect that Sen. Udall's vote on the Keystone pipeline project may have on his chances to win a second term. Also the panel pays tribute to beloved crew member battling cancer. Post game: Republican primary in the 4th Congressional District.

Colorado Inside Out. June 13, 2014. The millions of dollars dedicated to fighting anti-fracking media ads. A recent poll released showing Gardner ahead of Udall. Governor Hickenlooper working with oil and gas companies on a fracking compromise to keep the issue off the November ballot. Arapahoe county DA dropping charges related to voter fraud. Post game: Denver vs. Dallas for 2016 Republican National Convention.

Colorado Inside Out. Recent GOP TV ads, Scott Gessler's fundraising numbers, Governor Hickenlooper's veto of SB 197, El Paso County Sheriff office disagree with DA about charges in the Tom Clements murder. Post game: Citizen United's film is denied exemption from state-election finance laws. June 6, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. May 30, 2014. Vice President Joe Biden is in Colorado, reporter Jana Winter does not have to reveal source for notebook in Holmes case, El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa asked to resign, Jefferson County school board hires Superintendent with a controversial contract. Post game: Hillary Clinton in Denver in June.

Colorado Inside Out. May 23, 2014. Denver's chance of hosting the RNC, Gubernatorial race fundraising number updates, Governor Hickenlooper meeting with oil/gas companies over fracking proposals, outside supporters donating millions to the local Senate race. Post game: Transparency in the Jefferson County School Board's decision to leave a sole finalist to fill in the superintendent position.

Colorado Inside Out. May 16, 2014. Colorado Symphony's "Classically Cannabis" concert series updates, Spanish-language ads supporting Cory Gardner, Gov. Hickenlooper hoping to negotiate on fracking proposals prior to the 2014 election and a probe into the construction work being done for the DIA hotel and transit center. Post game: Newly released feasibility study suggesting costly changes to the National Western Stock Show Complex, the CO Convention Center and the Denver Coliseum. The changes are detailed, but fail to outline a distinct budget for the adjustments.

Colorado Inside Out. May 9, 2014. The highlights of the 2014 legislative session, banking allowances for pot shops and hemp farmers, cash on hand for candidates in the governor's race, the city of Denver requesting the CO Symphony orchestra to end their cannabis concert series and the Colorado republican state party suing the Secretary of State's office. Post game: Hyper-sensitive group demands that Bolder Boulder drop the slogan, "Sea Level is for Sissies."

"Smart" guns. NRA News. YouTube.com. 8 minutes. May 7, 2014.

Kopel on The Blaze TV. Kopel discusses the recent Supreme Court decision to uphold legislative prayer and the onerous gun restrictions in the Northeast. May 6, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. May 2, 2014. Topics include: the Denver Sheriff's Dept.'s decision to refuse requests to detain individuals for immigration status solely. The killing of the bill that would have banned red light cameras and the passing of the $23M budget. Potential fracking bans on the 2014 ballot and a dispute over federal aid intended for Colorado flood victims. Updated budget for DIA hotel and transit center. Post game: The proposed 3.2 beer ban in Washington Park that ultimately did not pass.

NRA News. The First Amendment guide to the Second Amendment. 11 minutes. Apr. 22, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. Apr. 18, 2014. Republican Gubernatorial Ballot after state assembly, protests surrounding the Senate Bill 175 or "Reproductive Health Freedom Act", marijuana edibles blamed for domestic murder. Post game: The impact of the upcoming 420 Rally on the city of Denver.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 21, 2014. Lisa Clements, wife of former Prisons Chief Tom Clements speaks out, Coloradans for Responsible Energy Development brings in new Co-Chairs, laws for recall elections are being examined by State Senate Democrats, state tax surplus numbers. Post game: Senate candidates Cory Gardner and Mark Udall polling numbers reveal a close race.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 14, 2014. The success of Colorado's health exchange, the GOP party opens new offices in Colorado and Secretary of State Scott Gessler loses appeal in Denver District Court over an initial complaint claiming he misused state funds. Colorado lawmakers consulted with legal counsel on how to use the overflow of taxes that may accumulate from pot sales. Denver's independent monitor suggests training for DPD. Post game: The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last week that the lawsuit against TABOR can move forward.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 7, 2014. Bob Beauprez enters Governor's race, the inmate early release in Aurora, the proposal for a air tanker fleet for Colorado, and the sentencing of Stevie Vigil for aiding Even Ebel. Post game: Results from the initial GOP caucuses for the 2014 election regarding the races for Governor and U.S. Senate.

The First Amendment Guide to the Second Amendment. University of Tennessee Law School program. Mar. 1, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 28, 2014. Rep. Cory Gardner entering the US Senate Race, Ken Buck leaving Senate Race and entering Race for Congressional District 4, Judge sets start date for James Holmes trial, Colorado adopts methane emission standards. Post game: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's veto on the controversial religious rights proposal.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 21, 2014. Gay Marriage ban lawsuit, Pot tax budget estimates, Scott Gessler and JBC committee remarks, and CDOT plan for US 36. Post game: CDOT plan for US 36. Feb. 21, 2014.

Ninth Circuit upholds right to carry. Blaze TV. Feb. 17, 2014.

Peruta decision. NRA News. 9 minutes. Feb. 14, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. CDOT's contracts for US-36, Jeffco Superintendent resigns, defeated bill for concealed guns in schools and a lawsuit restricting recreational marijuana ads in newspapers and magazines. Post game: Federal documents released today about banking rules for recreational marijuana. Feb. 14, 2013.

Testimony on Colorado Senate Bill 14-038. Kopel testifies in favor of a bill to remove the Governor's power to ban the sale, transport, and dispensing of firearms whenever the Governor declares an emergency. Feb. 10, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. Quinnipiac poll results for Gubernatorial and US Senate Races, Scott Gessler opts out of future GOP debates, possible changes to same day voter registration rules, Colorado Superintendents propose funding solutions to schools. Post game: Quinnipiac Poll showing current results of the Colorado Statewide races including upcoming Gubernatorial and US Senate races. Feb. 7, 2014.

Interview at the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show. Guns.com. 3 minutes. Feb. 3, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. Upcoming Governor and Senate campaigns debate over Colorado health care, Senator Udall's post State of the Union statements, CEA's lawsuit over Senate Bill 191 and the race for the Congressional Dist. 6. Post game: Voting results of the farm bill. Jan. 31, 2014.

NRA News. Kopel talks about his blogs now appearing in the Washington Post. 7 minutes. Jan. 29, 2014.

Obama's illegal recess appointments. Blaze TV. 10 min. Jan. 13, 2014.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 3, 2014. A look ahead to the major issues of 2014 including high profile election races and predictions for the 2014 legislature. Post game: A look at the non-political issues happening in 2014 including commercial pot shops opening and the James Holmes trial.


Colorado Inside Out. The panel takes a look at the major stories and issues in a review of 2013. Dec. 27, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Updates in pot laws and readiness for 1-1-14, Rachel Zenzinger named as Hudak's replacement and Jane Norton endorsing Amy Stephens for US Senate. Post game: Results from Democratic focus group regarding the fall recall elections. Dec. 13, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Senator Evie Hudak resigns before facing a recall effort, the City of Denver amends it's regulations on marijuana to allow smoking in private yards and porches, fast food workers protest for increased wages, a judge ruled against a Lakewood bakery for refusing to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. Post game: Representative Jared Polis asks Colorado Oil and Gas Association to stop suing Colorado communities over fracking rights. Dec. 6, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination, major rulings in the Sigg and Holmes cases and the Quinnipiac polling results for Governor and Senate races. Post game: Changing of the filibuster rule in the U.S. Senate. Nov. 22, 2013.

Debate: Has the right to bear arms outlived it usefulness? NPR Intelligence Squared. 104 minutes. Nov. 21, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Obamacare solutions, 2016 RNC and Sen. Evie Hudak. Panel includes Patricia Calhoun from Westword, Amy Oliver Cooke from the Independence Institute, Eric Sondermann from SE2 and Ed Sealover from the Denver Business Journal. Post game: Result of Broomfield's fracking moratorium vote. Nov. 15, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Rockies co-owner getting busted for 2nd DUI. The big loss for Amendment 66 in the polls. Colorado school board races making national headlines. The future of the 51st state movement. Post game: Election results: Fracking bans passing and citizens' attitudes toward its use. Governor Hickenlooper taking losses in both fracking and Amendment 66. The impact of the marijuana tax and its effect on 2014. Nov. 8, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Amendment 66, Proposition AA, school board races, pot ordinance eases up. Post game: Ads on buses and light rail about Palestinian/Israel conflict. Nov. 1, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. The Jon Benet Ramsey Grand Jury Indictments, Aurora Hotel lawsuits, Douglas County School Board races and Sen. Evie Hudak recall effort. Post game: Denver City Council's recreational marijuana proposal. Oct. 25, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Auditor sues Dept. of Human Services, Third quarter fundraising numbers from Senate, Gubernatorial, CD6 races for 2014 Election. Post game: Efforts to recall Senator Evie Hudak. Oct. 18, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Denver's Pot Ordinance, National Park and flooding update, Government Shutdown proposals. Post game: Sen. Morgan Carroll being elected State Senate President. Oct. 11, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Affects of the government shutdown on Colorado, Campaign for Amendment 66 begins along with a lawsuit to stop SB 191, the teenager accused of killing Jessica Ridgeway pleads guilty in court. Post game: Commerce City police officer acquitted of animal cruelty charges. Oct. 4, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. The aftermath and flood damages in Colorado, concerns over oil spills emerging into remaining water and Alex Martinez resigns as Denver's Safety Manager to become counsel for DPS. Post game: Regulations surrounding the car service Uber. Sept. 20, 2013.

Assessing the Risks of the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty. Kopel addresses the concerns surrounding the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty on a panel at the Heritage Foundation. Sept. 12, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. The big pro-pot billboard outside Mile High, the Morse and Giron recall elections, and Syria. Post game: Pro-marijuana billboard at Sports Authority Field and worries about pot leaving the state. Sept. 6, 2013.

The Truth About Gun Control. Kopel gives a talk on his latest book. Heartland Institute speaker series. YouTube.com. Sept. 5, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Colorado release of new branding logo, NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg donating $350,000 to recall elections in Colorado Springs and Pueblo, the DOJ will not enforce federal regulations on recreational marijuana shops in Colorado and Governor John Hickenlooper came out in opposition of the Colorado counties moving toward succeeding the state. Post game: The tax proposal for marijuana in Denver. Aug. 30, 2013.

ATF Party speech. Kopel discusses the lawsuit against the anti-gun bills at the Independence Institute's 11th annual Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Party. YouTube.com. 18 minutes.  Aug. 17, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Developments in recall election of Morse and Giron unfold, Colorado judges review thousands of cases to fix potential mistakes made in sentencing prisoners, Denver proposes a tax-like incentive to grocery/convenience store consumers to ultimately reduce landfill waste. Aug. 16, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Crime within 100 ft of medical marijuana shops, Representative Coffman speaking about immigration reform and challengers to the upcoming recall elections for Senate President John Morse and Senator Angela Giron. Post game: James Holmes' trial difficulties. Aug. 2, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Greg Brophy enters the Governor's race, the one year anniversary of the Aurora movie theater shootings, Senators Morse and Giron's recall elections move forward. Post game: Mayor Michael Hancock's State of the State address. July 19, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Agreement regarding a lawsuit against new gun laws, Gov. Hickenlooper supports School Finance Act and Colorado's marijuana tax process. Post game: Charges being dropped against the man accused of threatening Representative Rhonda Fields over gun legislation. July 12, 2013.

Truth About Gun Control animation. Animated video from publisher Encounter Books featuring a section of Kopel's book. YouTube.com. 4 minutes. July 11, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Lobato Education Funding lawsuit decision, Denver City Council's pot straw poll, Douglas County Schools teacher pay plan. Post game: Metro area police chiefs claims against Adams County Sheriff. May 31, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Tancredo and Gessler's possible 2014 Gubernatorial run, Sheriff's lawsuit against new gun laws, audit of current parole status of Colorado prisoners. Post game: Obama Administration's recent scrutiny. May 17, 2013.

Press Conference for 54 Sheriffs et al. v. Hickenlooper. The Independence Institute held a press conference announcing the lawsuit against the new anti-gun bills passed by the Colorado legislature and signed by Governor Hickenlooper. YouTube.com. 39 minutes. May 17, 2013.

The Truth About Gun Control presentation. Kopel presents on his book, "The Truth About Gun Control" and discusses the lawsuit against Colorado's anti-gun bills. YouTube.com. 50 minutes. May 14, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Legislature wrap up, pot regulation, gun control, civil unions, in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, James Holmes plea. Post game: Denver Mayor's letter to work with Adams County to develop land around Denver International Airport. May 10, 2013.

In this Guns.com video, Kopel discusses the defeat of Manchin-Toomey, the current state of guns, and the gun debate in Colorado. Later, Kopel talks about his new book, The Truth About Gun Control in this video. May 9, 2013.

Wining With Women. Kopel presents the lawsuit to a packed room of liberty loving women. YouTube.com. 54 minutes. May 8, 2013.

Lunch Lawsuit Presentation. Kopel gives a presentation on some of the legal arguments in the lawsuit against the new anti-guns bills. YouTube.com. 48 minutes. May 8, 2013.

The Blaze TV. Discussion of the Kopel-led lawsuit against the gun control measures passed by the 2013 Colorado legislature. YouTube.com. 5 minutes. May 1, 2013.

NRA News. Kopel discusses the many problems of a firearms and mental health bill, and the fight between Mayor Bloomberg's deep pockets and the NRA. YouTube.com. 10 minutes. Apr. 24, 2013.

NRA News. Kopel discusses his new article on the Volokh Conspiracy blog, "The Pro-Gun Provisions of Manchin-Toomey Are Actually a Bonanza of Gun Control." YouTube.com. 6 minutes. Apr. 15, 2013.

NRA News. Kopel discusses his new National Review article, "Turning Gun Owners Into Felons." YouTube.com. 6 minutes. Apr. 5, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. President Obama's visit re:guns, new developments in Tom Clements murder investigation and James Holmes' case. Post game: DPS School Board chair announcing she won't run for re-election. Apr. 5, 2013.

NRA News. Kopel discusses NY Governor Cuomo's decision to suspend 7-round limit on magazines. YouTube.com. 7 minutes. Mar. 25, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Three gun bills signed by Gov. Hickenlooper, Death Penalty repeal, Civil Unions bill signed into law. Post game: Ten year anniversary of the war in Iraq and the affect in Colorado. Mar. 22, 2013.

NRA News. Kopel discusses the fallout of the three new gun control bills signed by Governor Hickenlooper. The magazine ban is particularly egregious. YouTube.com. 16 minutes. Mar. 20, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Gun Bills passing in Senate, Civil Unions passing the House, Medicaid Expansion, Raj Chohan's last show. Post game: Disgrace of the week and say something nice. Mar. 15, 2013.

NRA News. Kopel discusses the great hypocrisy in the Colorado legislature, whereby some legislators are both smearing certain magazines "designed for mass murder" and begging manufacturer Magpul to stay in Colorado. YouTube.com. 15 minutes. Mar. 13, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Proposed gun legislation, Lobato vs. Colorado, Fort Collins fracking ban, Denver Police Chief rejected employee evaluations. Post game: Proposed gun legislation. Mar. 8, 2013.

NRA News. Kopel discusses the gun control measures heading through the Colorado legislature with host Cam Edwards. YouTube.com. 12 minutes. Mar. 7, 2013.

Testimony on Gun Bills at the Colorado State Capitol. On March 4, Kopel testified on 5 gun bills. Video of the testimony and Q & A are as follows: Universal Background Checks. 13 minutes. Magazine bans. 19 minutes. Fee for background checks. 6 minutes. Liability for manufacturers, sellers. 14 minutes. Concealed carry permit rules. 10 minutes. Mar. 4, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Sequester cuts, Morse gun bill, Douglas County school vouchers, Amendment 64. Post game: Pope Benedict XVI resignation. Mar. 1, 2013.

NRA News. Kopel discusses gun manufacturers and sellers being held liable for "violent acts" in a new gun control bill from Senator John Morse. Includes the wildly bizarre definition of "assault weapon" as well. YouTube.com. 9 minutes. Feb. 27, 2013.

Gun Laws & the Second Amendment. Leadership Program of the Rockies. Colorado Springs. Feb. 22, 2013. C-Span 2. Panel with Kopel and others.

Colorado Inside Out. Denver D.A. and Police Chief dispute, gun law proposals, firefighters union bill and Vestas. Post game: The sequester cuts. Feb. 22, 2013.

NRA News. Kopel discusses the most contentious of new anti-gun laws in Colorado - campus carry. In particular, Rep. Joe Salazar's comments on rape drew big criticism. YouTube.com. 9 minutes. Feb. 20, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out.  State of the Union, Gun control proposals, Recreational Marijuana in Denver, State mental healthcare. Post game: The Pope's resignation. Feb. 15, 2013.

International Gun Control Debate. Kopel debates gun control policy as it relates to international law at the Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver. YouTube.com. 58 minutes. Feb. 12, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Proposed gun laws, DPD judgment, Insanity plea bill, Child welfare overhaul. Feb. 8, 2013.

NRA News. Kopel discusses Colorado's newly proposed gun control measures with host Cam Edwards. Additionally, Kopel explains the problems with Colorado's so-called instant background check system. YouTube.com. 14 minutes. Feb. 7, 2013.

Lou Dobbs Tonight. Kopel addresses new concerns over gun control and specifically, President Obama's comments about "weapons of war." YouTube.com. Feb. 4, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Immigration reform, local gun proposals, Lt. Gov. Joe Garcia and Scott Gessler lawsuit. Post game: The fate of the Blue Mustang statue at DIA. Feb. 1, 2013.

NRA Daily News. Kopel recaps his appearance before the US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun violence. YouTube.com. 4 minutes. Jan. 30, 2013.

Fox News. After testifying in front of the Senate Committee, Kopel shares his take on the gun hearings. YouTube.com. 4 minutes. Jan. 30, 2013.

US Senate Judiciary Committee. Kopel provides testimony and fields questions on gun violence, public safety, and the right to arms. 23 minutes. Jan. 30, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Obama Inauguration, gun control reaction and enterprise zone bill. Post game: Civil unions. Jan. 25, 2013.

How Gun Control and Gun Rights Can Be Friends. Kopel describes the history of gun rights and gun control in America. YouTube.com. 68 minutes. Jan. 22, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out. Ken Salazar stepping down, gun control proposals, Aurora Theater opening, shooting of animals in metro area. Post game: The Lance Armstrong interview. Jan. 18, 2013.

Challenges and Implications of President Obama's Gun Control Proposals. Comments on Obama's new gun proposals. PBS NewsHour. 13 minutes. Jan. 16, 2013.

The Second Amendment in 2013. Cato Institute videocast. YouTube.com. 13 minutes. Jan. 11, 2013.

Lou Dobbs Tonight. Kopel discusses the possibility that the Obama administration would use executive order to tighten gun control. 7 minutes. Jan. 9, 2013.

Colorado Inside Out.  Reactions to the Aurora theaters opening, the fiscal cliff votes and gun registration. Post game: Pot regulation. Jan. 4, 2013.


Colorado Inside Out. Looking ahead to the big stories of 2013, looking at the legislature and other likely stories of the new year. Post game: Likely ballot issues in 2013. Dec. 28, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out. 2012 year in review, looking at the election and other major headlines of the year. Dec. 21, 2012.

CNN Newsroom. Kopel discusses potential causes and solutions to random mass shootings. YouTube.com. 6 minutes. Dec. 19, 2012.

NRA News. Kopel on Cam and Company. Why pretend gun-free zones are so dangerous. YouTube.com. 16 minutes. Dec. 18, 2012.

NRA Daily News. Kopel on NRA News with Ginny Simone on gun control, mental illness, and school shootings. YouTube.com. 11 minutes. Dec. 18, 2012.

Revisiting U.S. Policy on Mental Health, Gun Control After Sandy Hook Tragedy. Kopel on panel discussing guns and mental health. Transcript included. PBS NewsHour. 15 minutes. Dec. 17, 2012.

Debate with Howard Dean. CNBC Squawk Box. 8 minutes. Dec. 17, 2012.

NRA News. Discussion of the big Moore v. Madigan gun rights win on Cam and Company. YouTube.com. 13 minutes. Dec. 12, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out. Developments in the Aurora Movie Shooter case, issues with Aurora and Denver Police, Education updates and Mitch Morrissey raise request. Post game: Football coach saga at CU. Dec. 7, 2012.

NRA News. Kopel talks about his appearance on CNN's Piers Morgan Show on the Cam and Company. YouTube.com. 12 minutes. Dec. 6, 2012.

Piers Morgan Show. Kopel discusses the murder-suicide by a Kansas City Chiefs player with anti-gun host and guest. CNN. 9 minutes. Dec. 3, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out. Amendment 64, the fiscal cliff debate, CU firing its football coach and the upcoming legislative session. Post game: 2013 legislative session. Nov. 30, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out. The Presidential Election, CO State House, Senate, and Congressional elections, CO ballot measures, and investigations against Scott Gessler. Post game: CO State House and Senate races. Nov. 9, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out. The effect of Hurricane Sandy on the Presidential Race, Colorado's Congressional Races heating up and predictions of how ballot issues will go on Election Day. Post game: Election Predictions. Nov. 2, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out. The Presidential Debate, Presidential Candidate rallies in CO, and property taxes in Denver. Post game: The Jessica Ridgeway case. Oct. 26, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out. Presidential Debate, gun permits on CU campus, Scott Gessler investigation. Post game: Amendment 64: Measure to legalize Marijuana in Colorado. Oct. 19, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out. Mitt Romney's visit to CO, Congressional ads and municipal complaints about fracking. Post game: Boulder's proposal to ban smoking on the Pearl Street Mall. Sept. 21, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out.  The Democratic National Convention, Paul Ryan visits CO Springs, and the Aurora theater shooter. Post game: The Democratic National Convention. Sept. 7, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out. MO Senate candidate's controversial remarks, Douglas County school conflict, Vestas Wind Systems layoffs, and Amendment 64. Aug. 28, 2012. Post game: The NAACP endorsement of Amendment 64.

Colorado Inside Out. Discussion of Paul Ryan as VP candidate, illegal alien deferment program, and CU dorms gun policy. Aug. 17, 2012. Post game: The outdoor marijuana advertising ban.

C-Span coverage of Independence Institute's 10th annual Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Party. Opening remarks,  then a 17 minute speech by Kopel on Second Amendment issues. Keynote speech by David Martosko (Daily Caller) on nannyism. Aug. 11, 2012. 44 mins.

Colorado Inside Out. Romney and Obama battle for Colorado. Mental health of Aurora murderer. Aug. 10, 2012. Post game: Univ. of Colo. lobbyists have other clients.

What could have stopped temple shooting? USA Today. Aug. 7, 2012. Video discussion.

Media coverage of the Aurora murders. Kevin Dale (Denver Post) on  CPT12 "Devil's Advocate" show. July 27, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out. Aurora murders,  forest service wildfire report. July 27, 2012. Post game: Community reaction to the murders.

Will James Holmes get the Death Penalty? Colorado Theater Shooter Faces Death, Says Attorney. China National Central TV (CCTV), re-aired by Jewish News One. July 27, 2012.

PBS News Hour. July 23, 2012. Kopel appears at 4:04, at start of a 10 minute segment.

Colorado Inside Out. Patricia Calhoun, Mike Littwin, April Washington, and Kopel discuss the Aurora Murders. July 20, 2012. Post game: more on the murders.

Kopel and Piers Morgan agree: Thursday would have been the better day for a gun control debate. CNN. July 20, 2012.

CNN Reliable Sources. Howard Kurtz bemoans "a troubling thing that television does," namely the rush to "turn such an atrocity into ideological fodder while the victims are still being treated." As an example, plays Morgan/Kopel interchange, with Morgan insisting a gun control debate must take place on the night of the crime. July 22, 2012. Transcript. Video.

Colorado Inside Out. July 13, 2012. Lifting of the statewide fire ban, Mitt Romney's visit to Colorado, ten public trustees stepping down, and "Fight Back Colorado." Post game: more on the fires.

Colorado Inside Out. 1912 Time Machine episode. July 6, 2012. Patty Calhoun as Molly Brown, and Kevin Flynn as George Creel.

Obamacare decision explained. Excerpts from Kopel speech to Liberty on the Rocks, Louisville, Colorado. July 9, 2012:

Obamacare ruling discussion. Kopel on CPT12 "Devil's Advocate" show. June 29, 2012. 27 minutes.

Colorado Inside Out. June 29, 2012. Obamacare ruling. Wildfires in Colorado. Post game: Gang murder of Denver police officer.

Colorado Inside Out. June 22, 2012. Legal pushback against Metro State College tuition discount for illegal aliens, mail-in ballots, Mayor Hancock's plans to raise taxes. Post game:  Opposition to Christo's "Over the River" art project.

Colorado Inside Out.  June 15, 2012. Metro State College illegal alien tuition discount, the High Park fire. Post game: Out of state funding for marijuana initiative.

Colorado Inside Out. May 25, 2012. Controversial comments from Rep. Mike Coffman, President Obama's visit to the Air Force Academy, and the Denver City Budget. Post game: Denver Airport closes 3 of 4 smoking lounges.

Colorado Inside Out. May 18, 2012. Civil unions bill being killed, the passage of the Denver Camping Ban, bills passed and killed during the Special Session. Post game: Legislative special session.

Colorado Inside Out. May 11, 2012. President Obama's stance on same sex marriage and the fate of the civil unions bill. Post game: Mitt Romney's visit to Colorado.

Colorado Inside Out. May 4, 2012. Same-sex civil unions, Denver camping ban, Lower North Fork Fire, & I-70 plan. Post game: Sales tax holiday for school supplies.

Colorado Inside Out. April 6, 2012. North Fork Fire, disgraced former Sheriff Pat Sullivan, mail-in ballots, proposed camping ban in Denver. Post game: Romney and the 2012 primaries.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 23, 2012. Layoffs at Denver Post, Broncos toss away Tebow, Denver Police Department reforms, racists attack Denver Public School reforms, RTD negotiates on its broken promises. Post game: More on Tebow and Manning.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 16, 2012. Abortion pill mandate rallies, medical marijuana dispensaries, City Council redistricting in Denver. Post game: Denver Police Commander committee.

Venezuelan Government Suspends Gun Imports and Sales for One Year. NRA News. Mar. 12, 2012.

Gun and self-defense law reform after Heller. Kopel presentation at Fordham Law School. Kopel begins at 15:30. Mar. 9, 2012.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 2, 2012. Gov. Hickenlooper and natural gas drilling, Per Diem rates for legislators, the GOP Primary, and Denver Police. Post game: More on the Governor and fracking.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 24, 2012. Scott Gessler and campaign finance rules, Colorado Supreme Court upholds independent election expenditures, PERA bills.  Post game: Photo ID requirement for voting.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 17, 2012. Douglas Bruce sentenced to jail, Tabor lawsuit, and Civil Unions in Colorado. Post game: More on Kerr v. Hickenlooper.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 10, 2012. Rick Santorum wins the Colo. Republican Caucus, State Representative Laura Bradford, the No Child Left Behind program. Post game: More on the Colorado Caucus.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 27, 2012. State of the Union speech, the Asset Bill, the passing of Legislator Jerry Kopel, and debate over ballots. Post game: More on the State of the Union.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 20, 2012. Colorado's 6th Congressional District, the Red Light camera debate, Fastracks, and Dave Logan fired from Mullen High School. Post game: More on the 6th CD.

Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 13, 2012. Governor Hickenlooper's State of the State speech, the Colorado Legislature, and the New Hampshire Primary. Post game: Fostering entrepreneurship in Colorado.


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 30, 2011. Predictions for the next year. Post game: More predictions.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 23, 2011. The year in review. Post game: Favorite new stories of 2011.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 16, 2011. Lobato vs. State of Colorado, Legislative maps, and the State Board of Ed.'s privacy rule rescinded. Post game: More on the Lobato school funding case.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 9, 2011.  Congressional map controversy, Joe Miklosi and the 6th CD, Denver Police Dept. text messages, and a potential space port. Post game: More on congressional maps.

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 2, 2011. Arrest of former Arapahoe County sheriff Pat Sullivan, State Legis. map controversy, the cost of Occupy Denver, and the 2nd Amendment. Post game: State Legis. redistricting.

How Does The Independence Institute Make A Real Difference For Gun Rights? GunLawShow.com, Dec. 2011.

The McDonald Case, How Can We Learn From It? GunLawShow.com, Dec. 2011.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 18, 2011. A look back at the panelists and the topics that they covered during CIO's first 19 seasons, and Occupy Denver. Post game: Occupy.

Testimony, U.S. Senate subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism regarding S. 463. Nov. 17, 2011. Senator Schumer's bill to vastly expand the number of people prohibited from owning or temporarily possessing a firearm. Written testimony. Video of subcommittee hearing. Kopel's 5 minute prepared remarks begin at 72:41. At 103:40, there is a Q&A with Senator Grassley, with leads to follow-up questions with Senator Schumer, in which Kopel explains to Schumer what the Schumer bill actually does. Kopel discusses the bill on NRA News.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 11, 2011.  Corporate welfare for the stock show, new congressional district map, Gessler lawsuit reaction, Frontier Airlines, and Colorado Supreme Court eliminates confidentiality privilege for guardians ad litem. Post game: Redistricting.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 4. 2011. 2011 election results and the hiring of Denver's new Police Chief, Robert White. Post game: Election results.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 21, 2011.  Potential move of the National Western Stock Show, the death of Moammar Gaddafi, Medical Marijuana workers unionize, and vagrants on the 16th Street. Post game: Medical marijuana workers.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 14, 2011. Occupy Denver protests and negative campaign ads.

Colorado Inside Out. Post game Oct. 14, 2011. More on Occupy Denver.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 7, 2011. Stock Show report, Banks and ATF respond to MMJ, Wall St. protests in Denver, and NREL cuts.

Colorado Inside Out. Post game Oct. 7, 2011. Federal crackdown on medical marijuana.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 30, 2011. President Obama's visit, Listeria outbreak's affects, Online school audit, Initiative 300 (Denver sick leave).

Colorado Inside Out. Post game Sept. 30, 2011. Obama visit, Buffet tax.

Tighter Regulation Needed of Small Weapons, Jamaica tells General Assembly. Also, amicus brief on right to carry in Illinois. NRA News. Sept. 28, 2011.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 9, 2011. Colo. changes record-keeping procedures related to Homeland Security funds. Civil Service Commission reinstates two previously-fired Denver Police officers, and Latino groups submit new redistricting maps.

Colorado Inside Out. Post game Sept. 9, 2011. Accounting for Homeland Security grants.

The "Collective Right" and the Second Amendment. NRA News. Sept. 4, 2011.

Colorado Inside Out. Sept. 2, 2011. DU study on the Colorado State Budget, Douglas County schools vouchers, Fastracks receives a one billion dollar grant, infighting among marijuana pro-legalization groups.

Colorado Inside Out. Post game Sept. 2, 2011. DU study.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 26, 2011. Mayor Hancock naming Alex Martinez as Manager of Safety, CDOT proposing partnership to remedy I-70 traffic, Scott Gessler criticized, and RTD recommending cuts.

Colorado Inside Out. Post game Aug. 26, 2011. Fines against Larimer County Republican Party.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 19, 2011. Halting of the Douglas County vouchers, Hancock's State of the City address, and English-only ballots.

Colorado Inside Out. Post game Aug. 19, 2011. Coffman's proposal for English-only ballots.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 12, 2011. Political response to stock market fluctuations, proposed new State Senate and State House maps, and Michael Hancock's staff's high salaries.

Colorado Inside Out. Post game Aug. 12, 2011. Stock market gyrations.

Colorado Inside Out. Aug. 5, 2011. Debt Ceiling Agreement, new rules for Hydraulic Fracturing, and the Lobato School Funding Lawsuit.

Colorado Inside Out. July 29, 2011. Charles Garcia resigns, Districting reapportionment, scrutiny of the Denver Police, and CO death row inmates move to a Sterling prison.

Colorado Inside Out. Post game July 29, 2011. Former Mayor Wellington Webb and districting reapportionment.

Colorado Inside Out. July 22, 2011. Michael Hancock sworn in as mayor and Bill Vidal's legacy, Governor Hickenlooper announces the Colorado Blueprint, Michael Bennet and the "Gang of Six."

Colorado Inside Out. Post game July 22, 2011. Hickenlooper's Colorado Blueprint.

Operation "Fast & Furious." Kopel explains the federal government's gunrunning fiasco. Devil's Advocate, CPT 12, July 22, 2011.

Colorado Inside Out. July 15, 2011. DUIs and the Denver Police Department, Xcel and wind power in Boulder, Initiative 100 overturned, and the Casino tax-break dilemma.

Colorado Inside Out. Post game July 15, 2011. Xcel and windfarms in Boulder.

Colorado Inside Out. 1951 time machine episode. First aired in early July 2011.

Colorado Inside Out. June 24, 2011. ACLU School Voucher Lawsuit, Casino Tax controversy, Aurora Hotel announcement and Initiative 100 repeal.

Colorado Inside Out. Post game June 24, 2011. ACLU lawsuit against Douglas County voucher program.

Colorado Inside Out. June 17, 2011. Mayor Hancock's cell phone scandal, The Colorado Health Foundation sells its shares of Major Metro Area Hospital Group, Congressman Doug Lamborn, and rural farming.

Colorado Inside Out. June 17, 2011. Post game Rep. Doug Lamborn on NREL funding.

Finland Tightens Gun Law After School Shootings. NRA News. June 14, 2011.

Colorado Inside Out. June 10, 2011. Winners and losers from the Denver Mayoral Race, and Hickenlooper looking at the Secure Communities program.

Colorado Inside Out. June 10, 2011. Post game Secure Communities.

Thom Hartmann Show. David Kopel on Thom Hartmann's "The Big Picture" television show, June 8, 2011. Discussing terrorism, gun shows, Mexico, and more. 6:29 video.

Is Carrying an Unloaded Handgun an Effective Means of Self-Defense? Discusses Kopel's recent amicus brief in the 9th Circuit. NRA News. June 6, 2010. 7 minute video.

Colorado Inside Out. June 3, 2011. Denver Mayoral Race, an email from Police Sergeant Ricki Stern to Denver Safety Manager Charles Garcia, Governor Hickenlooper issues his first veto.

Colorado Inside Out. June 3, 2011. Post game Hickenlooper veto of bill to create small fees for CHP medical welfare program.

Campaign Seeks to Halt US-Mexico Arms Flow. Petition drive by anti-American leftist group, and others, wrongly blames U.S. for Mexican crime guns. NRA News. May 31, 2011. 6:50 video, YouTube.

Colorado Inside Out. May 27, 2011. Post game Lawsuit against Taxpayer's Bill of Rights.

What is possible to do to prevent gun violence? Kopel interview on radio program along with Dmitry Fonaryov, President of the Russian Association of Bodyguards, and Daniel Vice of the Brady Campaign. Voice of Russia. May 20, 2011.

Colorado Inside Out. May 20, 2011. Denver mayoral race, proposal to raise taxes for education, Marvin Booker case, Joe Biden visits Colo. Post game: Rollie Heath's tax hike.

Colorado Inside Out. May 13, 2011. Analysis of the 2011 Legislative Session. Polls and endorsements for the Denver Mayoral Race. The Marvin Booker case.

Colorado Inside Out. May 6, 2011. Death of Osama bin Laden and its impact. The Denver Mayoral Race. Post game: Redistricting gridlock.

Colorado Inside Out. April 22, 2011. Redistricting gridlock, the Denver Mayoral Race, driving stoned, the CO State Senate passing the Asset Bill (in-state tuition for illegal aliens). Post game: More on redistricting.

Colorado Inside Out. April 15, 2011. Denver Mayoral Race, President Obama's deficit plan, Rep. Cory Gardner's plan to drill for oil in Alaska. Post game: more on Obama spending.

Colorado Inside Out. April 8, 2011.  Denver Police Chief Gerry Whitman, the potential Federal Government shutdown, the CO State Budget, State Officials issue wildfire warnings. Post game: more on state budget.

Colorado Inside Out. April 1, 2011. The passing of Pierre Jimenez, the Denver Mayoral Race, the Civil Unions Bill, Ryan Call's election as the new Chair of the State GOP. Post game: more on civil unions.

Colorado Inside Out. March 25, 2011. Denver Mayoral race, U.S. forces committed to Libya, a bill to grant civil union rights to same sex couples, a proposed mandate of the Secure Communities Federal Immigration Program. Post game: more on civil unions.

Egypt: Triggered by Safety Concerns, Gun Ownership on the Rise. NRA News. March 24, 2011.

Colorado Inside Out. March 18, 2011. Nuclear crisis in Japan and its effects on a potential nuclear energy facility in Pueblo, big news in three major school districts in the Denver area, the Denver mayoral race begins to heat up. Post game: Douglas County school vouchers.

Colorado Inside Out. March 11, 2011. Governor Hickenlooper overturning a Department of Liquor Enforcement rule, Protests in Wisconsin, The debate over state spending cuts, Colorado's unemployment rate. Post game: beer sales controls.

Colorado Inside Out. Mar. 4, 2011. Proposal of a tax increase to fund education, Denver's Mayoral Forum, the free speech rights of the Westboro Baptist Church, authorities considering charging a 12-year-old as an adult in a murder case. Post game: more on Rollie Heath's tax increase.

Justice Stephen Breyer and James Madison. NRA News. Feb. 27, 2011.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 25, 2011. Census shows Colorado has grown more diverse and El Paso County has become its most populous county, Protests in Wisconsin, Civil unrest in Libya. Post game: more on census.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 18, 2011. Democratic reaction to Gov. Hickenlooper's budget, Congressional cuts to CPB funding, proposal to change amendments and same sex civil unions. Post game: Governor's budget.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 11, 2011. Topics include Colorado Republican Party Chair Dick Wadhams, Denver Mayor Guillermo Vidal, Colorado Public Utilities Commission Chair Ron Binz, Senator Michael Bennet recommending a Teacher Corps. Post game: Wadhams.

Obamacare Ruled Unconstitutional. Feb. 4, 2011. On the Colorado Public Television program "Devil's Advocate," Kopel and Rob Natelson about the court challenges tot he health control law. 30 minutes, YouTube.

Colorado Inside Out. Feb. 4, 2011. Protests in Egypt, the Senate proposal of the Asset Bill (in-state tuition for illegal aliens), the FasTracks task force of the Metro Mayor's Caucus. Post game: Asset Bill.

Colorado Inside Out, Jan. 28, 2011. SOTU content and seating. Colo. SOS Gessler's moonlighting plan. Post game: State of the Union.

Colorado Inside Out, Jan. 21, 2011. Obamacare repeal vote. Race for State Republican Chair. Colorado proposal for Arizona-style law. Bill to mandate default opt-in for organ donations. Post game: Repeal of health control act.

SHOT Show 2011. NRA News. Jan. 17, 2011. YouTube video.

Colorado Inside Out, Jan. 14, 2011. Gov. Hickenlooper's State of the State, the Tucson shootings and the legislative session. Post game: Tucson.


Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 31, 2010. A look at potential big stories such as Governor Hickenlooper's first year in office, issues in the State Legislature and what may happen in the Denver Mayoral race. Post game: What will be the big issue in 2011?

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 24, 2010. Year in review program looks back at the election and issues the state legislature tackled in 2010. Post game: What election story was most memorable?

Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 17, 2010. Status of the Health Care Reform lawsuits, Zipper Lane Proposals, civil unions legislation and Denver's growing Mayoral race. Post game: zipper lanes.

Barack Obama and Gun Control: Effective and Shrewd. NRA News. Dec. 16, 2010. YouTube video.

Colorado Inside Out, Dec. 10, 2010. New federal tax/spending agreement. Douglas County school voucher proposal. Dueling Daylight savings ideas. Dan Maes' personal campaign expenses.

Colorado Inside Out, Dec. 3, 2010. Republican illegal immigration summit. Bennet's remarks about the lame duck. Denver mayoral race.

Colorado Inside Out. Nov. 5, 2010. 2010 election results, including the Governor's race, the US Senate race and the races for Congress.

NRA News. Kopel analyzes the 2010 election results. Nov. 3, 2010.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 29, 2010. Overview of the US Senate, Governor's and Congressional races

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 15, 2010. Developments in the Senate race, Denver Post endorsements and health care reform lawsuits.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 8, 2010. Meeting in Morrison between Tom Tancredo and Dan Maes, the U.S. Senate race, tuition rate hikes and the Mexican consulate.

Colorado Inside Out. Oct. 1, 2010. Momentum in the Tancredo campaign, no charges being filed in the Booker case and Sen. Udall's filibuster bill.

Press conference against proposition 102. Initiative to eliminate alternatives to bail bonds. Sept. 20, 2010.

Colorado Inside-Out. Sept. 17, 2010. Results from the Club 20 debates, updates in the Governor's race and the report of police case settlements in Denver.

Colorado Inside-Out. Sept. 3, 2010. Dan Maes losing GOP endorsements, the end of the combat mission in Iraq, and Ritter's staff dealing with Am. 41.

Colorado Inside-Out. Aug. 27, 2010. Ron Perea's resignation, failure to get Race to the Top funding, and Tancredo tapping Miller as his running mate.

Colorado Inside-Out. Aug. 20, 2010. Developments in the Gubernatorial race, recent alleged police beatings and political ramifications from the proposed mosque in NYC.

Colorado Inside-Out. Aug. 13, 2010. Analysis of all of the big primary races decided on August 10th.

Colorado Inside-Out. Aug. 6, 2010. Previews of the big primary races to be decided on August 10th.

McDonald explained. Kopel on "Devil's Advocate." Colorado Public Television, channel 12, Denver. July 9, 2010. YouTube: part 1, part 2, part 3. Half-hour.

Colorado Inside-Out. July 9, 2010. Topics include flip flopping allegations against Hickenlooper, Michael Steele's visit, the Arizona immigration lawsuit, and Tancredo's comment at the Buck rally.

***Kopel oral testimony on Kagan nomination. Starts at 41:09. YouTube of Kopel only, including Q&A with Senators Sessions and Hatch.

Colorado Inside-Out. June 25, 2010. Jane Norton's attack on Ken Buck regarding Buck's sympathy for a persecuted gun store owner. Norton's low-end advertising campaign.

Kopel Senate briefing on Kagan and McDonald. U.S. Senate Second Amendment Task Force. June 21, 2010. Link to the 22 minute video, and links to presentations by Stephen Halbrook and Hans Von Spakovsky. YouTube.

Debate with former Colorado Supreme Court Justice Jean Dubofsky. Constitutionality of Obamacare. CU Law School. April 28, 2010. (Video and audio are often out of sync by several seconds.) 96 minutes.


Aiming for Liberty on "Independent Thinking." Kopel's new book. KBDI channel 12 TV, Denver. 1/2 hour. Nov. 27, 2009. YouTube. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Playlist.

Obama Billboard Causing a Stir. Kopel appears on a short news segment on Channel 7, Denver. Nov 20, 2009. YouTube.

Ari Armstrong interviews Kopel at the Independence Institute's 25 anniversary dinner, about the long-term role of the Independence Institute. Nov. 19, 2009. 7 minutes. YouTube.

Kenya proposes execution of gun owners. NRA News. 7:39. YouTube.

Mexico, drug prohibition, and gun control. Gun Rights Policy Conference. St. Louis. Sept. 27, 2009. 8 minutes. YouTube.

The United Nations and the Second Amendment. Gun Rights Policy Conference. St. Louis. Sept. 26, 2009. 10 minutes. YouTube.

The Second Amendment in the Supreme Court. Kopel speaks to the Global General Gathering of the Triple 9 Society, and explains the upcoming Supreme Court case on whether the Fourteenth Amendment makes the Second Amendment applicable to state and local governments. Sept. 6, 2009. 86 minutes, video. Watch. Download mp4.

Kopel's testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, regarding the Second Amendment record of Judge Sonia Sotomayor. Written testimony in PDF (much longer than the oral testimony). Video of Kopel's testimony to the Committee, July 16, 2009, C-Span. Other C-Span video, Kopel at 38:58.

Kopel on Independent Thinking. HR 45, guns in national parks, a new Montana law to challenge the limits of the commerce clause, and the fallacy of U.S. guns in Mexico. KBDI television. July 10, 2009. YouTube video.

Nannyism and gun control. Kopel speaks at the Nannyism panel held at the Warwick Hotel, Denver, Colorado, as part of the Independence Institute's annual "Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms" celebration. June 19, 2009. 18:46. MySpace video.

Should Colorado join the interstate compact which attempts to turn the Electoral College into a national popular vote? Dave Kopel and former State Senator Ken Gordon debate the issue on Independent Thinking. Kopel argues that the Electoral College is superior, and that, in any case, the compact is unconstitutional. April 10, 2009. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.


What's Wrong with the Patriot Act? Dave Kopel and Cathryn Hazouri (head of the Colorado chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union). Part of the the University of Colorado Denver Student Life office's Anatomy of War series. October 8, 2008. Available in 7 parts on YouTube. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7.

Supreme Court Victory: Now What? Independent Thinking television show. Kopel and the head of Colorado's Million Mom March. July 12, 2008. 27 minutes.

Taiwan Presidential Election Analysis with David Kopel. Originally broadcast on KBDI-TV channel 12, Denver, April 4, 2008. Filmed at the Public Television Service station, Taipei, Taiwan, March 20, 2008. Kopel interviews Dr. Yen Chen-Sen from the National Chengchi University's Institute of International Relations and Dr. Lai I-Chung from Taiwan ThinkTank. Video.

Press conference after the oral argument in District of Columbia v. Heller. Mar. 18, 2008. C-Span. The first half of the press conference is Mayor Fenty and other D.C. spokespersons. Kopel appears in the background at about 11:24, and speaks from about 18:20 to 19:33. C-Span video, Kopel at 21:30. MP3 of the pro-Heller portion.

NRA News interview on the Supreme Court steps, after oral argument in Heller. Mar. 18, 2008. YouTube.

American Constitution Society panel on DC v. Heller. Moderated by Dahlia Lithwick of Slate, the panel features a discussion with John Payne (formerly of the D.C. Corporation Counsel's office; attorney of record on the Brady amicus brief, and currently head of the NAACP LDF), Carl Bogus (Prof. of Law at Roger Williams, and lead author on a pro-DC amicus brief of some historians) and Dave Kopel. The debate was held at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C.; on March 13, 2008. The video and audio are available here. C-Span video.

2007 and before

A Question of Balance. Firearms policy symposium held at the Tower of London. Available for free (registration required) at XONtv; after registration, look under "Documentaries" and then under "Snow Goose Productions. The individual speakers are in separate segments; Kopel appears in the segment on "Firearms Possession" (by "non-state actors"). Originally filmed May 1-2, 2003.

Channel 7's coverage of Kopel's Nov. 5 speech to the CU Federalist society, and CU students' "empty holster" protest of the University's pretend gun-free zone.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows--One Week Later. July 29, 2007, on "Your Show," Hosted by Adam Schrager. Channel 20 KTVD/ 9News, Denver. Video. Script.

Gun Control Debate with Arnold Grossman, "One Nation Under Guns" and David Kopel, "Gun Control and Gun Rights". Description: The Denver Press Club hosts a debate on the issue of gun control. Arnold Grossman, author of "One Nation Under Guns - An Essay on An American Epidemic," argues the pro-gun control case while David Kopel, co-editor of "Gun Control and Gun Rights: A Reader and Guide" speaks for the opposing side. The debate is moderated by Cynthia Hessin, executive producer of Rocky Mountain PBS. The debate was broadcast on C-Span's Book TV. C-Span video. In addition, you can read Kopel's Book review of One Nation Under Guns: an Essay on an American Epidemic by Arnie Grossman. Kopel dissects a book riddled with factual and legal errors, and which, unintentionally, reveals why the gun control movement in the United States has become such a failure in recent years.

Firearms Regulation, International Law and Human Rights, in 2d annual "Firearms Law & the Second Amendment Symposium". George Mason University School of Law. Oct. 7, 2006. Windows Media hi low. QuickTime hi low. Main page for symposium.

Second Amendment Symposium, George Mason University School of Law, Sept. 24, 2005. The English religious roots of the Second Amendment right to resist tyranny. Windows Media hi low. QuickTime hi low.

The right to arms to resist genocide. Windows Media hi low. QuickTime hi low.

Cities sue the gun industry. Dave Kopel debates Jonathan Lowy from Handgun Control, Inc., regarding the municipal lawsuits. Cato Institute. Feb. 26, 1999. You need the Real Video player to watch the 1 1/2 hour debate. C-Span archive.

Does Gun Control Work? Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg. PBS. American Enterprise Institute. 1995.

"Assault weapons." Senate Judiciary Committee. Aug. 3, 1993. C-Span, Kopel at 198:54, and in Q&A with Senator Feinstein at end of panel. C-Span.


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