5 juillet 2006, Les actualités aux armes

par Melanie D. Lewis  & David B. Kopel

Voici quelques liens aux histoires importantes au sujet de la conférence de régulation des armes des Onu, et aux autres sujets. Nous avons également fourni un sommaire court des articles en anglais.

Here are some links to important stories about the UN gun control conference, and other subjects, from the Francophone media. We have also supplied a short summary of the articles in English.

  1. Les violences avec armes explosent à l'école

Le Figaro


Le 8 juin 2006

Gun violence in French schools has been increasing the past few years according to a government-sponsored study, which recommends a larger police presence at schools as a way to deter violence. 

  1. Porteurs de flingues dans le viseur



Le 16 juin 2006

            A new law in Switzerland will strengthen gun control laws; anyone wishing to own a firearm must now obtain a permit. However, the idea of creating a national registry in order to increase traceability of guns was rejected.

  1. Conférence sur le commerce illicite des armes légères à New York

Al Bayane


            Le 29 juin 2006

                        The Moroccan ambassador to the United Nations, Mostafa Sahel, highlights the need for a document or treaty that commits its signers to concrete actions. Pointing out the destruction that the African continent has experienced in the past few years due to illegal arms, Sahel points out that significant resources must be dedicated to regions that are experiencing or experienced armed conflict.

  1. Lutte contre le commerce illicite des armes légères   

La Tribune


            Le 3 juillet 2006

                        Yousef Yousi, the Algerian representative to the United Nations called on unequivocal international engagement to counter the proliferation of small arms. Yousi further explained that similar international cooperation is needed to eradicate terrorism, which he links with the spread of small arms.   

  1. De la légèreté des armes et de leur emploi



Le 3 juillet 2006

            The United Nations conference small arms is not addressing the real problems. Criminal states, organized crime and drug trafficking all arise from the legal commerce of small arms and there are not enough laws governing the production of munitions.   

  1. Adoption d'un traité sur les armes légères : inquiétudes dans les rangs de la société civile

Le Soleil


Le 2 juillet 2006

            A week into the conference against the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, no real progress has been made. One of the main goals of the conference is adopting a treaty on the commerce of arms, but it is expected that the United States will not support a treaty that controls the possession of arms by non-state actors.

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